Chapter 21 - Official?

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Stirring on the bed, you felt something, more like someone, in your arms. You opened your eyes to see that the sun hadn't come up yet. Your mouth was parched and dry, from the exhaustion of the activity held yesterday.

Through the darkness, you could make out the faint silhouette of a vase, which logically could only hold water. Slowly releasing Loki from your grasp and leaving the bed as quietly as possible, you made your way to the thirst-quenching item.

That was until something grabbed your arm. It was Loki, in a sleep exhausted haze, who wouldn't let you go before mumbling, "Please, don't go."

"Loki, darling, I'm just going to get water." After a glance at the pots on the tea table, he decided to let you leave. Picking up a vase, you walked back to the comfort and warmth of the sheets, and of Loki. "Get up," you nudged him.

He sat up straight, and allowed you to feed him the cool liquid after you drank a bit. "Thank you," he whispered so quietly, that if you weren't paying much attention, you wouldn't have heard him. After the sign of confusion left your face you turned to him, "What am I being thanked for?"

"Just being alive," he smiled, "Do you, uh, want to talk about last night?"

"What do you want to talk about?" You sat up cross-legged while Loki copied you. He rubbed his eyes, much like a child, which made butterflies swarm your stomach.

After making sure he was a bit more awake, he made some vague hand gestures, which you didn't really understand but you didn't need to because he started speaking then.

"Do you like me? What I mean is why did you kiss me? I don't understand all of this-"

"Loki," you calmed him, "I like you, a lot. I mean we just had sex together. Though I was a bit scared at first, because I thought it would trigger me, but it didn't."

"No, N/n, I mean, why would you like me? Out of everyone, why me?"

"Well, why do you like me?" you asked with a nervous sigh.

"Why do I like you? What kind of questi- I like you because you're this amazing and smart and beautiful person. You're always there for me, by my side. You've always spent time with me and treated me like I matter, like I have worth."

"Loki, that's how everyone should treat you,"

"But they don't, but you, you always have. You've made me see so many things-"

"Loki, you don't need me to see and feel things."

"I know, princess, but you never answered my question. Why do you like me?"

"I like you because you make me happy," you smiled, "Everything you do is adorable, and when you smile, I can't help but smile too. You've been my best friends since we were kids. I feel like everything is perfect when I'm with you."

The embarrassment from the both of you was barely hidden by each other's body language, Loki facing downwards to his lap and you fiddling with your fingers. "Loki?"


"Since, uh, you like me, and I like you, I think we should, you know, make it, uh, official."

"You want to start courting?"

"If it's alright with you," in a second Loki pounced on you, knocking your head to the soft bedding, which thankfully didn't hurt. Tackling you on the bed, he laid soft kisses onto your face as you giggled from his sudden act of affection.

"May I?" He was looking at your lips as he asked for your permission.

'You may," he leant down slowly, allowing you enough time to hold your breath before he captured your lips. You closed your eyes, feeling your heart twist itself as you tasted the prince.

Much like yesterday, he tasted like heaven, but now with more honey and sugar. His left arm travelled along your hip and wrapped itself around your thigh as his right hand supported itself over your body. "My Prince."

You could feel him smiling, grin wide and evident as he bit your lip gently, making you smile in turn. He was an incredible kisser.

"My Princess."


"Those are Delphiniums, aren't they?"

"Yes, but don't touch them," he pulled you away by the hand he was holding, "They cause skin irritation. Thor and I found that out the hard way."

"How exactly?" you raised a brow as a smirk played on your lips.

"Well, I had transformed myself into a snake and when he picked me up I transformed back into myself and stabbed him and then as revenge, he picked me up while I was reading and threw me into the delphiniums. I ended up looking much like a tomato and mother scolded us both."

"Looks like I missed out on much of an adventure."

"You did," he smiled. You both were roaming the gardens, hand in hand, after breakfast. Frigga was a bit busy in the morning so she had given everyone an hour to do as they please.

You stared at a bed of gorgeous white flowers, your breath heaving.

"Those are Azaleas," Loki pointed out.

"I know," you sighed, biting your lips together, "they were my mother's favourite."

"I'm sorry," he apologized, feeling as though he overstepped a boundary, "Do you miss her?"

"Everyday." He pulled your hand towards him, pulling your body into his. Then raising his hand, he spun you around, immediately making you smile. You chuckled as you danced with him, and he smiled just hearing your beautiful laugh.

"I'm sure she'd be proud of the woman you've become," he assured you, leaning down to kiss you. His soft lips touched yours, the feeling of heavenly bliss came with it.

It felt so natural, so perfect, like two pieces of glass fixing themselves together, not a crack in between. "I'm proud of the woman you are."

"You really are the sweet talker," you smiled as you cupped his face.

"Only for you," he pulled away for air before kissing you again. He held your hand in his, swaying you just like he did last night in the ballroom. Waltzing from a ballroom to a garden, what an upgrade you thought.

"What are you two doing?!"

A sweet voice startled you both as you pulled away from each other, not before hitting each other's heads first. Frigga stood wide eyed at the side, a huge smirk on her lips.

"Frigga!" you jumped, "We- I was- He-"

"I knew you two were a sneaky couple," she chuckled, "How long have I been trying to catch you both?"


"Since last night mother," Loki smoothened his leather.

"I thought it would be longer!" she smiled, "Now come along, you two have class."

"What did your mother mean by longer?"

"She knew I liked you and wanted me to tell you much earlier."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Ehehehe, let's just get to class."

i miss her :c

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i miss her :c

also feeding y'all another chapter, also guess how long this book is?

- nino :)

Always Been You: Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now