Chapter 17 - I'm here

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"I could never be disgusted or afraid of you."

He spoke with a sense of vulnerability, past actions all gone to waste as he understood that you felt anxious about something. He begged, "Please, just come out!"

You sat silently with your face stained with tears. He never could be disgusted? He didn't know what happened, he must have thought it was something else. Scars, they tell a lot about a person, especially scars around private parts.

"Please," He spoke softly from behind the door, "I'm here and I'm not leaving."

You wanted to trust him, be comforted, be told that it's ok. And so you opened the door hesitantly, but still willingly. You popped your head through it, as you exposed your tear-stained face to the cold air that rushed in. The prince tilted his head up to see you, before immediately enveloping you in his arms and softly saying your name.

It felt weak, that you needed his comfort, his warmth and his confirmations, but you really needed it. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, just know that I accept you the way you are."

His voice had this certain sense of love, care at the very most. He was here, and he kept his promise. He was willing to listen. Why not tell him?

"I didn't do it," You huff, your nose completely clogged with mucus, "I was, I-"

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable."

"But I want to, Loki," you took in a deep breath, "I was, I was raped."

You felt the prince cling on to you tighter, holding your head and brushing his fingers through your hair as you both sat on the floor. "Ah, darling,"

"Not just once, a lot of times," he pulled you closer even though you were cuddled between his chest, "He did it only for the first three years after my mother died. He'd come into my room and he'd push me against the table and he'd hurt me."

You huffed a bit of snot as you continued telling Loki about what happened, "If I tried to call for help, he'd hurt me and if I tried to tell anyone, he said he'd hurt my father. All these scars, it's because of him, and I was just so helpless and I couldn't do anything or he'd-"

"Shh, princess," Loki did his best to reassure you. His heart broke hearing you like this, that you were hurt. How could anyone hurt you, let alone do this to you, he thought. He hugged you with all his heart, silently laying a kiss to your crown as you cried on his shoulder. "It's ok."

"You're so amazing, you know that?" you smile as you sniff a bit of his hair, slowly trailing down his neck.

"And you're in your undergarments, you know that?" Your cheeks burn with heat upon the realisation and the thought of Loki and you on the floor in your underwear. You get off his lap with a start, apologizing and blabbering something before he laughs. God, that laugh, it drove you crazy. "I'm just kidding, come back!"

With a flick of his hand, clothing covered your legs and hands, just the way you wanted. It was green silk, and it had a small, black letter 'L' embroidered in cursive on the left breast. "It's mine, I hope you don't mind."

"It's lovely," you smiled as you pulled him up on your bed, so you could cuddle comfortably. "Also I think green looks much better on me."

"You look stunning in anything and everything you wear, princess." His words made you forget everything. All that mattered was him, you and him. His hands roamed through your hair as he whispered, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, my dove, you had to suffer through all that by yourself."

"At least you're here now," you snuggle into his chest, "and that's what matters to me."

A knock on the door informed you of dinner being served. Why do these people always interrupt? You both pulled away awkwardly, laughing to maintain some sort of dignity. "I'm gonna go shower, you can eat."

"No, I'll wait," you assured him, "Besides, maybe we can read a new book together?"

"Yay!" he jumped like a child, taking off his shirt to expose his bare chest, "Then I'll wash fast!"

And he did just that. Within five minutes, the prince was out, and drying himself as you laid the tea table for dinner. He dressed neatly, but in comfortable clothing, with long flowy sleeves and loose black pants. His hair was wet and hung in loose curls over his shoulder.

"What do you want to read?"

"Anything you'd like."

And so you both read and ate. The meal was just a side activity, while you both huddled close and read. You laughed while flipping the pages as Loki kept going on with commentary. It truly felt amazing. You wondered how lucky you were, to have him back, to have him accept you the way you are.

"Do you want to head to bed?"

"Hmm, what?" You were blown out of your thoughts to the twist of the prince's head towards you, "yes sure."

"Do you want to sleep by yourself?"

"I don't know, you're probably already burdened enough with all my troubles."

"Princess, All I want is for you to feel happy, which makes me happy, and as your best friend, I must make you happy."

"Then, if it's alright with you, I was hoping we could cuddle."

"Anything for my favourite princess," He smiled, tucking down the bedding as he loosened the tight sheets. Pulling you under the covers, he smiled when you made a small cry of protest. "Wait Loki!"

"Wait for what?"

"I need to brush my hair, or it's going to have knots tomorrow."

"I'll brush it for you," he got off the bed and grabbed the hairbrush from the dresser before you could, and pushed you down on the bed. "Now, stay."

His fingers worked wonders over your scalp, not only combing through it, but massaging it as well. You let your eyes flutter shut as you laid your head on his lap and let him comb your hair. Once he was done, he noticed you had fallen asleep with the relaxing action.

Gently he picked your head, laying it on the soft pillow, before letting it sink into the mattress. He couldn't believe how beautiful you were. His sleeping goddess.

He pulled the bedding over you both, before rolling to you. Placing his hand under you, he pulled you to his chest, just enough not to wake you.

Snuggling his nose into your neck, he closed his eyes, silently praying to be yours. "For my princess."

my brain is a fried lobster and exams are the burning hot oil

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my brain is a fried lobster and exams are the burning hot oil

yes ik I'm a saint for publishing early, but it's bcz i wanna read TaylorSwiftsHoe 's comments bcz i love her comments and they make my day

- nino :)

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