Chapter 13 - Cake

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“Psssst! Loki!” you whispered. You crawled on the prince's bed, your growling tummy breaking the silence of the night.

The god simply grunts before tugging on his blanket and facing away. “Loki, wake up.”


“Wake up.”


“I’m hungry.”

“Then starve.”

You huffed at his comment before getting into the sheets with him, pulling the sleeve of his shirt to expose his flesh. “What are you doing?”

“If you're not going to get me food, you can be my food.”

“Firstly, that sounds sexual, and secondly I won’t feed you anything until you admit you should have listened to me when I called you for dinner.” you gave a small frown, to which Loki heeded no mercy. “Say it.”

“Fine, you were right,” you gave up with a grunt. The prince took you into his arms, cradling you softly. "I'm still hungry."

"Shut up, you smell nice."

"fooOD!" you cried.

"alright alright, let's go." He let go of you to get out of bed. With a shimmer of light, he drew on a fur coat on both of you which provided warmth. "Come on."

The two of you roamed the dark halls, hoping to have an encounter with the royal kitchens. Your feet were as silent as the night, occasionally squeaking against the polished marble.

You both raced each other to the final door, which was presumably the kitchen. You landed against the door with a thud, a mere second before Loki.

“I win,” you said, breathless.

“No, you didn't.” You ignored him, pushing the door forward to show a pitch black room. The scents of bread, cheese, roast and spices confirmed that this was indeed the royal kitchen.

After Loki had entered, you shut the door, also shutting out any light from the outside. His right arm scrambled for yours, finding it and pulling it towards him instinctively. “We can’t see anything now.”

“For now,” you lifted up your hand, slowly producing little glowing orbs which spread across the room, illuminating several rows of breads, jams, cakes, fruits and vegetables.

It was one of the spells your mother taught you. Loki watched in awe, the little sparks floating around him, around you. You never ceased to amaze him. You were enchanting, mesmerising, in ways you would never imagine.
It was always you.

“Tada!” you whisper shouted, feeling proud of yourself.

“It’s beautiful,” he whispered back. You turned to face him, your own smile growing as you saw his.

“It is,” the rumble of your tummy brought you back to the thought of why you came here, “now, food!”

You ran ahead, grabbing two plates, rushing towards the cake.

“No, N/n, no,” Loki ran after you. Apparently the cake you were after was the cake that was prepared for Frigga’s tea tomorrow. “Not that cake!”

“But it looks so good!”

“It’s for my mother! She’ll be furious if it’s not there tomorrow!”

“The bakers can make it again, they don’t sit in the kitchen all day for nothing.” you grabbed a knife from the table, raising your hand to cut the cake.

“NO,” Loki rushes forward to grab your hand, only for it to vanish into thin air. “What?” he questioned, brows furrowing into a confused glance.

Always Been You: Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now