Chapter 4 - No reason

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As you entered the room, you awaited with empty pages and an ink bottle for Frigga to tell you about today's realm. It was about a week since the disciplinary had begun. You had learnt a lot more about magic, war and the administration of kingdoms.

The main lessons you had in a day were around three to four, lasting two hours each. Your free time was spent with the other princesses and warriors. It was like being part of two realms. The princesses mainly cared about their appearances but could have good conversations on magic.

Your main company was Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three. Loki would always leave when you arrived, providing shallow excuses like he needs fresh air or he needs to study. The only time when you both had spent time alone, was when you had to sleep.

He'd pretend to be sleeping every time you came to the room, or if it was midday, he would shove a book in his face. He began to hate you, just as you did him. He'd call you arrogant, spoiled, and many other names which were awfully impolite.

You took a seat on one of the wooden tables at the front, as Frigga walked in with her sons. Thor sat at the back of the class with most of the princes, while Loki took a seat to your right. The other princesses filled the seats, making your shift to another seat unfeasible. You sat there with the snake to your right, as the queen sat herself in front of a large desk with a map.

"Good morning children," she greeted, "Today, we're going to learn about Jötnar and their magic."

"Mother, why must we learn about those monsters," Loki scrunched his nose in disgust. Your thoughts went back to your mother, why she was killed. Maybe you were a monster. Well, half a monster.

"Loki, They are not monsters. It was Laufey who felt that Jötnar were the most powerful race. Not all frost giants thought that. Just because of one being, we do not call an entire race, monsters." Frigga scolded. "Frost giants are incredibly intelligent beings, capable of harnessing energy and frost. They are both physically and spiritually strong and powerful."

Frigga went on describing the beauty of Jötunheim and its culture. She explained how there was peace before Laufey's rule and how she was able to visit the realm as a child. "It may have changed now, not many are allowed to go there for the sake of keeping the peace."

"Queen Frigga, why are we not allowed?" Princess Fal raised her hand.

"When Odin Defeated Laufey, Laufey asked him to grant Jötunheim a request that no one but the Jötnar may walk over their lands. The request is kept till this day to maintain the peace of the realms."

Frigga closed the book she was holding and dismissed everyone, saying that they are free to do as they please and that she has a meeting with the Dukes and Duchesses.

You decided you'd head to your room to nap, as you hadn't had much rest lately. Your sleep was being constantly interrupted by nightmares of your mother, Loki and Vanaheim. They weren't as bad as they used to be three years ago, but that didn't mean they didn't bother you. Loki walked in front of you towards your quarters, holding a black book in hand.

"Are you following me?" He questioned.

"We share a room, you baboon," you retaliated. Both of you walked in and sat yourselves at your respective beds.

"Why are you here? Wouldn't you rather spend time with Thor?" You didn't like the idea of Loki being alone with you in your room, much less you unconscious.

"Well, My brother and his friends do not desire my company all the time," he uttered with a tinge of sadness and hurt. He usually played tricks on Thor and the others to gain their attention, as they didn't always prefer his presence. You rolled your eyes as you leaned back on the pillow.

"Well, I am going to rest. Do not disturb me unless the palace has caught fire," you warned before shutting your eyes. Loki just held his quill and book in his hands as you let yourself fall into a dreamless sleep.

He continued scribbling in his book, and when he was done, he placed it in a box with a lock and slid it under his bed. It was his diary, which he intended no one to know about. He looked over to you, who was now fast asleep. You had a certain look on your face which made him approach you.

He noticed that you were shivering and, without thinking about what he was doing, found himself wrapping your body in the duvet. You pulled the warm cloth around you, touching his hand along the way, making him tense as he pulled away.

Loki's chest burned with something he didn't know. His breathing started to quicken and it did not take long for his irritated frown to become a small sigh of happiness. He started to think of you as overconfident and pretentious ever since you arrived from Vanaheim.

He was your best friend ever since you both were children and now that you decided that he was not worthy enough to be even your friend after three years, he decided that he didn't need you and ignored and demeaned your presence.

You slept so peacefully, like the goddess you were. Loki prayed for your company, your love. He felt all the world had stopped as he watched you breathe softly.

Loki steadily raised his hand to your forehead, letting his fingers graze the tips of the hair on your crown. Slowly he leaned down, to try and give a small kiss to your temple, but abruptly pulled away.

"If you hate me for no reason princess, then I shall too," he hissed. Moving towards the balcony, the Prince admired the golden sunset across the bifröst. He wondered what to do now, since his main plans for entertainment were tied with you.

He could woo another princess, maybe the one from Alfheim. What was her name again? He couldn't recall. He had only met them hours ago.

And so he sat there, watching the sun go down, head unconsciously turning to your side. Deep exhales of frustration left him, frustration caused from the lack of understanding the instinctive sentiment he had for you.

You didn't want his company anymore. That was the abstruse reality Loki had to face. Loneliness. For all time, always.

dear peter,what the fuck?

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dear peter,
what the fuck?

a concerned friend

i also have a feeling that y'all don't like this book-

- nino :)

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