Chapter 22 - A frost giant

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"What are the terms of the treaty of Saar?"

"To ensure that, uh, no other beings other than the frost giants themselves, enter the lands of jotunheim, and uh that the power of the frost giants, stored in the casket of uh- casket of the winters, is kept safe in the vaults of Asgard."

"Good girl," you praised as Loki blushed. Grabbing another tuft of hair, you interwove the three into a neat and tight braid.

Massaging her scalp, you proceeded into dividing the hair equally for the next braid. "You really love it when I play with your hair, don't you?"

"No," she defends herself, putting on a fake pout, "Your hands are irritating and I only allow you to do it because you like it."

"Loki! Y/n!"

"Not again," Loki sighed. Thor had a new habit of barging into your room, every now and then for absolutely no reason at all, ever since you and Loki told Frigga, Thor, Sif and the warriors three about your courting two weeks ago.

Both of you weren't sure whether to tell the Allfather and the other royal children about it, and so it was left for a discussion later.

Yours and Loki's courting was going along really well. You kept up your usual habits of causing mischief, stealing from the pantry in the midst of nights, studying and what not; except this time, you could kiss her through it all. She was a really good kisser and her taste was indeed seductive.

"It's going to be my birthday in three weeks!" Thor boomed as he flopped down your bed. "I'm going to be 1487!"

"Yes, brother, now please for the love of Norns, get out!" huffed Loki, visibly irritated by her brother's interruption.

"Oh, Brother, I'll leave," he winked, "but only after you tell me what you both are getting me for my birthday."

"It's sister and if you don't leave now, the only thing you'll be getting is a broken nose as an early gift."

"Alright, sister," he huffed, placing his hands on his hips, "But just admit it that you want Y/n to braid your hair and I'll go in peace."

You chuckled, pulling a braid which made Loki wince, "Go on, Loki darling, Admit it."

"I don't like it," she pouted, "Y/n likes it so I'm doing it because it will make her happy."

"Sure, Sure," Thor started to head towards the door unconvinced of Loki's answer, turning to face you mouthing to him 'she likes it' as he left with a smirk.

"If you don't like it, I can stop," you let go of his hair, moving to hold the book in your lap.

"NO! Braid my hair!" she pleaded.

"Is that begging?"

"Maybe," she smirked as you started to braid again.


Placing the diadem on your head, you twirled in front of the mirror. It had been a few weeks of your courting, which you thought was going really well, but you weren't sure if you could say the same about Loki.

Whenever you both would be seated at the table for dinner with the Allfather, he would always make you sit up straight, or tell you to eat without chewing too much or don't sip at your wine again and again.

You, quite frankly, were pissed with his behaviour, but that part of him only seemed to arise when you both were around Odin. Loki would constantly pick at his fingers or lower his head slightly, but noticeably.

He would apologise now and then and would shower you with kisses and praise at night before bed.

"How do I look?"

Always Been You: Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now