Chapter 15 - Pendants

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"We're not seriously going to roam the palace, are we?"

"We're not," Said the prince, surprising you.

"What? Then what did you-"

"Well, I couldn't announce it in front of Fandral," he rolled his eyes, "We're going to roam around Asgard."


"Come on!" The young prince grabbed your hand, pulling your body forward. You felt the adrenaline course through your veins running to your room.

Once there, he zoomed through the balcony, moving to the side and grabbing a vine. "Here is your formal invitation to join me."

Shaking your head, you followed his actions. Grabbing a vine and crawling down was fairly easy, as the gates ended at the wall of the castle.

When you both reached the ground, you were no longer in the ground of the palace, rather the land of Asgard.

Children were running around, playing with a ball, a metal cup, anything they could get their hands on. Wagon holders pushed their carts with their goods, selling numerous items like fruit, tobacco and cloth.

The air was filled with dust and noise. Pulling you by your hand, Loki covered the two of you in cloaks, supposedly to make sure no one would recognise you both.

It was absolutely brilliant. The smell of blood, salt and sea filled your nostrils as you walked past the fish market. Further ahead were the other meats and more people shouting for discounts and bargains on rations.

It surprised you, how savage and heartless people were, but you couldn't blame them, for they had nothing. Young women stood by the flowers and jewellery, trying to get the young men to buy it for them, or ask for their hand.

Oh, it was a sight to behold. The beauty of Asgard.

Loki kept watching you, as he took you deeper into the heart of his kingdom. The small expressions, the little smiles, the short gasps of amazement, everything. You were his sight to behold.

He had never liked to see this part of Asgard, the cruel, selfish, brutal Asgard- but everything changed. You were like this magical glass, through which he saw things differently.

The ugly is beautiful, the unpleasant is amiable. You taught him so much, even though you didn't know it.

A dazzle of light struck your eye, spinning your head around to a small wagon filled with wheels of cheese and loaves of bread. A single shard of glass dangling from the roof was what reflected the light towards your eye.

You dragged the prince with you, towards the wagon of fondue. Paying the man who owned the wagon a nifty silver dime, you were handed a small bowl of melted cheese and a stale bun which was no bigger than your palm.

"What's this?" Questioned the fussy prince.

"I don't know, just eat it." You ripped a bit of the bread dipping into the melted cheese before popping it into your mouth. The cheese was warm and you enjoyed its goodness before feeding the prince. "So, princey, ya like fondue?"

"It's quite plain," He complained, "And the bread is stale."

"You are such a picky eater," you laughed. Before you go have another bite, he drags you by the arm towards a small hut with jewels, making you spill a bit of the cheese on the floor.

A small caravan covered on the inside from bottom to top with heaps of gold and jewels sat in a corner of the market. A small, elderly woman with hair pulled back into a tight bun sat inside.

Always Been You: Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now