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 3 person pov

When yuu woke up again he did not recognize the place where he was. Looking around he noticed his friends and himself chained up to a wall and their weapons laying on a table a few feet away from them. Two vampires stood by the door noticing he had woken up and smirked. "seems like the last one is awake as well now" yuu looked at his friends and guran looked extremely annoyed that they had managed to overthrow him like that, that he could do nothing to save the others. Yoichi looked terrified, yuu started tugging at the chains trying to get himself free the vampires just laughed at his efforts. "it is pointless yuu-san we have tried everything.."

Yuu looked at shinoa who looked at him sadly. "aww they have given up~ they really are unlucky of the timing they had in coming here while the prince is in town" the other just laughed and guran groaned in annoyance. "last time a couple of humans walked into this town at the wrong time screams could be heard for days, I must admit that even I am terrified of how he interrogates people" the taller one of the two walked up to Yoichi with a smirk resting on his face. "limb by limb tearing them up until they are begging to be killed, giving up information they swore to keep a secret till their death spilling like their blood not being able to handle the pain of the torture" Yoichi froze up and kimizuki shot a glare at the vampire who touched the human boy. "get your hands off him. Now!" he just laughed and stepped back sitting down on one of the chairs. "you know what is the most fun part? The last one will have to watch all of their friends die a slow and painful dead knowing that the same fate will be awaiting them"

It was a few hours later the sun had already frozen and was now shining through the windows of the room, not that it mattered at all since they were still chained up and they still had to hear how they would die a terrible death in a lot of detail from the two vampires guarding them. "oh- he is here"

Footsteps were heard from down the hall before a voice could also be heard. "i swear why do you need me for this, can't you do anything yourself! It is very simple I'll even explain to you how to kill a human so listen very carefully now okay? Grab your sword and stab it through the heart! Their problem solved useless utterly useless" the door opened and two others walked inside. "we apologize we thought you might want to interrogate them seeing as the humans have gathered quite a lot of intel about us in a short amount of time" "you really think i have nothing better to do than kill some humans-" Yuu his head shot up and locked his emerald green eyes with the blood red ones of the vampire. "on the other side i am free today so why not enjoy it a little" the other vampires smirked and looked at the frightened human. "all of you leave, go bother Bathory or something" they quickly nodded their heads and left the room and with that also the building only one of them staying behind. "did you not hear me? Perhaps i have to make myself more clear than" "no no that is not it my prince, but shouldn't someone stay behind in order to protect you? Queen Krul would be devastated losing her last child" the blonde shot a glare at the vampire who quickly took a step back. "i am perfectly capable of protecting myself, thanks for your concern but please leave. Bathory needs people for his attack plan anyways" he quickly nodded and left the room leaving the one vampire with the humans. 

word count 664

even if I lose everything, I'll always have you. mikayuu.Where stories live. Discover now