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3 person pov

Strange enough they had been let go, there was no resistance from the vampires in letting them leave. But they must have been up to something. This couldn't have been all that they had planned. Tomoe had stayed witht he vampires not going with them again.
Mika had not looked in yuu his direction when he left. He didn't seem to be bothered by it either.

Kureto was passed out and they were taking shelter in an old grocery shop to think this trough. Yuu had his legs pulled to his chest not knowing what to do. Had everything been fake? Mika's love for him, the feelings they shared..
He didn't want to think to much about it but he couldn't help but feel down by it. the other didn't care enough about him, maybe mika was just using him.. Just like everyone else is using him.
He pulled the necklace of his neck throwing it away from him before walking out of the building.

Shinoa was quick to pick up the piece of jewelery and followed yuu outside. "yuu-san.. Why'd you take it off isn't this important to you?" she stood down next to you and held the necklace out to him for yuu to grab, she knew where it was from what it meant and who it belonged to. She wanted to be here for her friend but wasn't sure how too.
"a vampire hm yuu-san? I had never thought you would fall in love with one, and a progenitor at that" yuu groaned and took the necklace from shinoa putting it back on as he already felt bad for taking it off. "i don't know what to do shinoa... he's a vampire and i-" "but you love him don't you yuu-san?" yuu sighed and looked at the floor staring at his shoes. "yes i do.." "look yuu-san, i don't like vampires but- mika? He seems to be really important for you and if you love him i will accept that. If he is the one for you yuu you've to go for it.. And once he's your boyfriend i sure do want to meet him~"
Yuu laughed a little and rolled his eyes feeling reliefed after this little conversation with shinoa.  She somehow always knew how to cheer him up and make him see the positive side in things. He would just have to wait till he met with mika again.

And he might not have to wait for to long for that moment to come.

Word count 430

even if I lose everything, I'll always have you. mikayuu.Where stories live. Discover now