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3 person pov

Yuu shot up knocking shinoa and mitsuba off of him in the process. "mika-" "yuu-san? Are you okay you blacked out again" he nodded his head and got off the couch. "i need to sleep- I'll be in my room.." he got to his room and laid down on the bed. He still couldn't believe that it had all just been a dream, it wasn't real, and Mika and him weren't dating then. If it was just a dream then that was a dream as well.

Looking to the side he saw a box standing on his desk, curious on what could be in it he got up. Yuu stared at it for a good couple of minutes before opening the box. Looking inside he saw a little stuffed animal bear, the bear that had once belonged to his youngest sister emily-

How had this gotten here in the first place? It was left at the vampire city years ago, who send him this and why?

Taking the bear out of the box he fell down to the floor tears welling up in his eyes. He had failed his siblings, he was the one to blame for their death. It was his fault and because of his stupid dreams, his siblings were dead. This really wasn't fair, why did he get to live on while his whole family was murdered. Who the hell did he think he was back then? Kill all the vampires? Protect his family? What a joke. This world is nothing but pain. Just breathing in the air of this world causes pain to the ones around you. No matter what you do it always seems to hurt someone close to you.

Eventually, he ended up crying himself to sleep on the floor, to exhausted of all the events of that day, he was happy that yoichi had gotten his sister back and all. But seeing them together did hurt him knowing he won't be able to ever see his siblings again unless it is in his dreams that they like to haunt him.

word count 351

even if I lose everything, I'll always have you. mikayuu.Where stories live. Discover now