twenty-eight; never

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Elizabeth's eyes were closed and she acted unconcious as they were dragged towards the banishment pole. They tied Teresa and Thomas to one of the poles as Teresa was yelling, throwing Elizabeth to the ground. Rude, Elizabeth thought.

Gally shook his head as he stared at the limp body of Elizabeth. "This is such a waste."

It was silent, until Winston called Gally. "This doesn't feel right."

Jeff stood by Winston's side. "Yeah, what if they're right? Maybe they could lead us home."

Gally walked over to them slowly. "We are home. Okay? I don't want to have to cross anymore names off that wall."

"You really think banishing us is going to solve anything?"Teresa spoke up.

"No, this isn't a banishing,"Gally said. "It's an offering."

"What? No! Gally, what are you doing?"Teresa yells helplessly.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas and Elizabeth back into the maze after what they've done?"Gally's voice raised. "Look around you! Look at our Glade! This is the only way."

Minho nods at Newt when he looked at him. "And when the Grievers get what they came here for, everything goes back to the way it was."

"Are you listening to this? Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy!"

"You shut up."Gally said, making Elizabeth roll her eyes underneath her eyelids.

"The Grievers are gonna come back, and they're gonna keep coming back until all of you are dead!"Teresa yelled, her voice breaking slightly.

"Shut up!"Gally yells in frustration. "Tie her up!"He demands his two friends. "Did you not hear me? I said tie her up!"

Elizabeth jerked up, punching the guy on her right near her roughly and snatched one of their weapons and hitting them square in the jaw. Newt took out a machete as Teresa kicked the guy who tied her up in the crotch. Newt released the two tied up to the pole. Minho placed a machete on Gally's shoulder before he could do anything.

"You touch her, I'm gonna slice your head off and make you the sacrifice to the Grievers."He says, holding the machete dangerously close to Gally's neck.

Chuck, Minho, Newt and Frypan stood by her side as they pointed their weapons towards the other Gladers.

"You sure are full of surprises, aren't you?"Gally says, shaking his head.

"Don't be a bloody twat."She spat as she stares hardly at all of them.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone who wants to come, this is your last chance."Thomas says, backing Elizabeth up.

Everyone stared at Gally. "Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you."

"No, he's not trying to scare you. You're already scared. Alright, we're scared. But we'd rather risk our lives out there, then spend the rest of it in here."Teresa replies.

"We don't belong here. Yeah, this place? It isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least out there, we have a choice. But we can make it out of here. I know that."Thomas said, trembling a little.

It was silent for a moment, until Winston walked over, followed by Jeff, then Clint. More and more joined in, leaving Gally and his other friends left.

"Gally, it's over. Just come with us."Elizabeth finally spoke. She didn't hate him, she just pitied him

Gally stays silent as he turns his body slightly, walking backwards. "Good luck against the Grievers."

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