Chapter 85- Skirts and Thigh-High Socks (mature)

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Sorry for the long delay again, my family life's been really busy at the moment and I haven't had the time to even turn on my computer until now. Although I got this chapter out it's not my best but it's my best right now.  It's really hard to write at the moment, I have all the ideas in my head but I'm struggling to put them into words, I haven't got the mental capacity to put myself in the characters shoes so everything I write feels flat emotionally.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

(PS: Jasper should be meeting his mate soon and because he's Jasper of course it's going to be shocking and not at all ordinary. Inaco although a good friend wasn't a good match for Jasper personality-wise, as mentioned before in the story, even if someone is suitable as a mate for you it doesn't mean you'll work in practice as mates. I've read the comments about Jasper and I think the new character I've been brewing is perfect for his mate.)

Two weeks later

Nobu's POV

You'd think I would have come to terms with the pregnancy by now, but no.

This morning I'd woken up with a sleepy smile on my face, the dream I'd been having already forgotten but left a happy feeling in my chest. Ro was quietly snoring behind me, his arm slung over my side and our legs thoroughly tangled.

It seemed like every morning I was in blissful ignorance, and then I remembered.

It wasn't an 'oh no I'm pregnant!' kind of moment, more of a 'holy shit I'm going to be a parent and I'm not ready for it' kind of moment.

My stomach had also decided to remind me every morning for the past week, I hated the new development. A bucket had been placed on my side of the bed for that very reason, and like every day in the past week, I leaned over and heaved into the bucket, my stomach pretty much empty since I'd been asleep for the last eight or so hours and hadn't eaten a few hours before that.

Morning sickness wasn't the only thing this pregnancy had graced me with, I also tended to get headaches, stomach cramps and constipation. The great thing about the headache medication I was taking is that a common side effect was constipation!

I mean I was glad there was something I could take for the pain, aspirin was one of the rare medications that actually worked for shifters and any side effects were pretty mild.

Needless to say, I was a little grumpy but the sour taste in my mouth wasn't just due to the morning sickness, school was also starting today, yay!

I was dreading it, I knew we'd get a lot of attention because of what happened with Carno and I wasn't looking forward to all the questions and staring, that aside from the fact that Ro and I were mated, we'd never got the chance to get a reaction to that. I was thankful my collar hid the fact I was pregnant, we didn't need any more gossip going around, in a few months I wouldn't be able to hide it though, no amount of baggy hoodies would hide my twin baby bump as much as I'd want them to. I had a few months until then, thankfully.

I felt the bed shift as Ro stirred, his cool palm brushing my hair back and I groaned softly at the nice feel of it, his dry and calloused skin cool against my warm forehead, soothing the headache already throbbing behind my eyes.

His other hand rubbed my back, slipping under my pyjama shirt and moving in calming slow circles. He'd done this without complaint since it first started happening, even if it was really early, although I guess he still felt responsible for my current condition and so didn't comment on my retching waking him up at the butt-crack of dawn every morning.

Despite his protests my collar had gone back on, he seemed to miss the sweet and powdery addition to my scent, it was fine smelling like that in the house but going outside without my collar would be announcing it to the world. He'd also become obsessed with touching my belly, every chance he got his hands were there, just resting there or gently rubbing my still flat stomach, it eased my cramps a little so I wasn't complaining, it was just new.

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