Chapter 2: Mr. Annabelle

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The phone call came around 5:00 o'clock.

Anastasia recognised Alan's voice straight away, 'hi Alan, is everything alright?' She asked, not really caring, not for him, anyone else but him.

'I'm fine, did you have the rest of my things by the way? I can't seem to-'.

'Yes, I've placed them in a box and it's in my study'.

'Right, thanks, I'll be over soon'.

He hung up and Anastasia slowly lowered the phone from her ear. She meant nothing to him, and she wanted to know what had caused this sudden rift between them.
She remembered the first day that she had met Alan and how he asked her out on a date. They loved each other, and the wedding was absolutely amazing. She was pregnant with Andrew at that time.
But it was only a few years back that he became cold and distant, and Anastasia didn't know why.

'Dad's coming home for a few moments'.

She said to the cat, who meowed quietly. She too wasn't looking forward to seeing Alan, they were far from friends.
Andrew and Mina were close to Alan at one point, but after a while, they began to grow apart. But then again, when the children get older, the more the rift grows and it's whether or not you decide to make an effort to keep them with you.

Of course Alan Annabelle didn't give her a kiss, they didn't do that. They weren't lovers anymore.

She watched as he strode down the hallway and into the kitchen, the sound of water running and the click of the kettle was heard.

Come in for a hot drink then?

Anastasia didn't think that he'd even stay around long enough to have a drink.
She joined him in the kitchen, and she could tell that he was avoiding her eyes, he didn't want to look at her.
She knew that she had grown older, and there were a few grey hair here and there on her head. Her laughter lines were starting to show and the slight bags under the eyes were proof of hard work and lack of sleep. But she still thought she was beautiful... He thought she was beautiful at one point. But the man standing before her, in the kitchen couldn't even look at her.

'How's everything been?'

She suddenly asked and Alan shrugged, 'not bad, a lot better to be honest'.

Better than what? Our life together?

'Seeing anyone?'

She couldn't help but ask and he seemed to hesitate before replying, 'yeah, her name's Felicity, we've been together for about a year or so'.

Quite some time now.

It seemed like Alan had easily moved on from her, and Anastasia couldn't help but feel a pang of pain hit her chest. She hadn't found anyone at all, well it doesn't help with you being cooped up in here, She always mentally scolded herself and she knew that it wasn't healthy.

'That's nice to hear'.

'Hmmm... What about you?'

'Oh uh... There's no one at the moment, been too busy doing- uh, things'.

Nice one...

Alan seemed to roll his eyes, 'this place looks the same when I left, not in the mood to change anything? I would have', Anastasia examined the room, 'no, I've always liked this design, you know how you and I have such different-'.

'Yeah, well anyway, the boxes are in the study right?'

She tried to keep herself together, asshole, 'yes I'll go-', he waved her off, 'I know where to go, I'll get them myself, thank's for the drink', he poured it down the drain and brushed past her to get to the study.

'No worries'.

She mumbled silently as she waited in the kitchen, she could hear him bustling about.

'The box should be in the corner'.

She went into the study to see what he was really doing. Alan was going through the cupboard. He looked over his shoulder for a few moments before continuing to search through different piles of documents.

'What're you doing?'

Anastasia questioned, 'there's nothing else in there for you to-', he spun around sharply and glared at her, 'will you piss off already!'
That was it, she'd had enough, she was a kind and patient woman, but she had her limits. She picked up the box and shoved it roughly into his arms, 'now get the fuck out of here before I drag you out by your fucking hair!' She snarled.

She was rarely like this, but when she was... She was a terror, and she hated it. She never showed that side to Andrew or Mina, but in her younger years, certainly in her school years, she had a reputation.
Alan stood stock still, he glared down at her, but realised that there wasn't any point fighting, 'get the fuck out of the way then', she moved aside and watched him leave. He wasn't coming back this time, that was the last of his things.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon