Chapter 22: The Self-Made Detective

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She had called Alan multiple times and even sent messages, for godsake, you're always on your phone and now you're barely on!?
She sighed and threw herself on the couch, her favourite place recently, 'what the fuck am I meant to do Molly I-'.
She sat up quickly and looked towards the balconey, maybe... Maybe I could see what's going on

It was the only way she could find out what John had done, Rover had said that John had seen Emma Rita not long before she was supposedly killed.

But that doesn't mean he killed her... The murder weapon was a screwdriver...

John must have a shed.

John's house was dark, no lights had been left on, 'oh Dog, you're still in there', she had a feeling that the dog existed. 
She went around the back and looked through one of the windows and sure enough she saw Dog lying in his bed. Knocking on the window scared the hell out of him, but it was the only way to get his attention, she couldn't whistle for the life of her.

You're after a tool shed or something, where he'd usually keep a screw driver and all that.

'Sorry to bother you, thought you were dead'.

You have a knack of talking to animals.

She began to roam around the side of the house, he should have a shed, just like me... One that Alan had made.
Sure enough, there was a tool shed.


She tried to open the door, it was locked, but it could easily be broken into.
She began to pull at the handle, she wasn't weak, so the door wasn't really an issue to her.
It ended up coming off it's hinges.

I'm so sorry John, I'll pay for the door.

She shoved it aside and slowly stepped in, her hand feeling around for a light. Alan had installed a lighting system in theirs, John should have one too. She sighed in relief when she felt a switch, the shed lit up like a beacon and Anastasia closed her eyes immedietly, temporarily blind. She tried her best to wander around the shed, her hands were outstretched, feeling around for anything.
When her vision had come back slowly, she could see a workbench, Jesus John, you're so fucking neat! how often do you come in here!?
The tools sat on the wall, he had a variety of them. Her eyes immediatly fell on spot where the screw driver was... There was nothing there. The tools themselves were clean... Very clean whilst that screw driver? Apart from the all the mud... It didn't really fit with the tool here...

That screw driver didn't belong in John's kit.

'This screw driver isn't yours... But where's your one?'

That, she didn't know which annoyed her greatly, think! You've read all these books, you can get through this one!

She took a few photos before leaving the shed, 'what the fuck am I doing? I'm not Rover, I can't figure out all this-', she stopped dead in her tracks.

'Wait a minute'. 

She heard Dog barking in the background, 'for christ sake Dog, I can't get you out, it's all lo-', before she could finish, there was the sound of broken glass and she looked up ahead to see Dog landing gracefully in the grass before her.
He sat down and wagged his tail at her, 'well... There's no point in keeping you locked up, you'll hurl yourself at anyting'.
She bolted past him, rushing back to her home, it was a bit of a run, but she had somewhere to go. Something was eating away inside her now.

When she reached home she went straight to the shed. Alan's custom made shed.
It looked like shit in here, so much crap on the floor, Alan made any effort to clean it whilst he was still living here. But her mind had turned onto something different.
Alan had a whole heap of tools in a box, and all she had to do was find it. Dog sat outside wagging his tail, 'you're useless by the way', she grumbled as she began sifted through different boxes.
She began to work on the shelves and the moment she looked up, she noticed a box.

Now if only I could get it down with something!

A gentle woof got her attention and she looked over her shoulder to see Dog sitting next to a broom.

'That's perfect!'

She grabbed the broom and stroked his head, 'I'm sorry I called you useless, Dog'.
She poked at the box a couple of times before it fell from the top. Anastasia threw the broom away and caught it. 

'Holy Jesus, this is heavy!'

Yep! A tool box!

She lugged it onto the old, dust covered workbench, 'alright', she mumbled as she wiped her hands on her top, 'keep an eye out for me Dog, let me know if anyone is coming'.
She unclipped the box and opened it.

Oh god...

So many old tools, a hammer, pliers, a small shovel and a-.

Anastasia laughed nervously as she took a few steps back from the tool box, 'you gotta be fucking kidding me', a screw driver... A very clean screw driver that didn't even fit into the slot.

That's not Alan's screw driver... It was Johns, I recognise the brand as well.

Alan had somehow obtained John's screw driver, but.. How the fuck did this all happen?

The sound of a car approaching alerted Anastasia and she quickly shut the light off, shit! 
A car door slamming made her panic, she couldn't get out, not without being seen. The door was slightly ajar, so she was at least able to close the door and make it look like it had been undisturbed.
The sound of footsteps grew closer and she pressed herself up into the corner of the shed next to the entrance. When the door opened, it would hide her and give time to escape... That's if the person didn't turn around to close it.
She held her breath as the handle twisted and the door was shoved open. An audible shit could be heard and the person rushed over to the opened tool box.


She didn't hesitate, moving quickly and quietly around the door and outside and when the cool air hit her skin, she turned and ran.
It was all starting to make a little sense to her. Alan had somehow switched his screw driver with John's, I'll have to find out how he did that? Did he know John? Alan and I had only been here for about 2 years and she didn't even know about John until recently.

Alan... Alan was a part of all of this.

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