Chapter 24: Run While You Still Can

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Alan was in hot pursuit, she wasn't going to make it going up the path, Alan would catch up to her in no time, so ran downwards.
Dog had joined her, though he zoomed down further, a powerful dog he was. She ran straight down to John's house, and the moment she got to the door strong headlights engulfed her.

He's going to drive into you!

She turned around to see Alan coming down with his car, heading straight down to where she was. 
She managed to jump out of the way as the car slammed into the front of the house, brick and glass exploded, but Anastasia didn't care, she had to get out of here straight away. She dodged the old fountain and rushed down the dirty garden pathway almost slipping.

'You can run for as long as you want Anna, you're going to get tired and I'll catch up to you'.

He appeared near the fountain, he was in shock and his head sported a nice cut, he and entered the garden. She was scared, she was angry and upset. She didn't want to die like this, she didn't expect to die like this, 'Alan please, don't kill me, what about Andrew and Mina?'

'What about them?'

Those words pierced Anastasia's heart, he didn't care one bit about them, Mina was right about him
She backed away slowly until she felt something hit her foot... Something firm. The cold metal bit her skin... 

John's gun?

When Mina saw him, he was burying it?
She didn't react to it straight away just to make sure that Alan wouldn't attack her. She needed to be in a better position to grab it, to shoot him.

'Come now Anna, come to me, it'll be quick, I'll make it quick'.

He had the nerve to hold his arms out to her, 'stay back Alan', she snarled and he rolled his eyes, 'really? You're going to act all tough-', he faltered when Anastasia had bent down and pulled a gun from the soil, pointing the barrel straight at him.

'I said, stay back'.

He put his hands up for a few moments before smiling, 'you wouldn't shoot me Anna, I know you won't'.

'Oh yeah? What makes you think that I won't?'

'Because you still love me'.

She almost burst out laughing, 'yeah right... You wanna know what John and I were doing before he got arrested?'
The smile was wiped from his face, 'Alan, you make it look like you don't like me anymore, but ever since Emma dumped you, you turned to me once again although you didn't want to'.

'Shut up'.

'So, that's why-'.

'I said shut up!'

He threw himself towards her and Anastasia pulled the trigger....


Ah fuck

Alan burst out laughing, 'oh my fucking god, you look so fucking stupid right now!' 
He cocked his head to the side, 'alright you got me, you're right, maybe I do still love you, but you're still fucking annoying'.
He lunged at her and Anastasia screamed as he grabbed her by the wrists, his whole body pushing her down onto the soil of the garden. He straddled her hips and held her wrists down.

'I missed your body Anna'.

He touched her breasts gently, 'I missed you, you bitch! I've tried my best to hate you before, and I know this is sudden and I was going to kill you, but you've been so brave and smart... It's kinda turned me on'.

No! I don't want this, I don't want any of this!

Alan shifted, 'alright, I suggest you stop moving, you may as well go with it all, because if you don't? He shrugged, 'well it's gonna look ugly'.

'Alan stop! Please don't do this!'

'Oh shut up! You'll love it!'

'No! I won't!

'Will you stop stru-'.

A gunshot rang out and Alan fell to the side, clutching his shoulder in pain, 'fuck!' He swore.
Anastasia was quick to crawl away from him, her fingers wrapping around the gun, even if there were no bullets, the feeling of having a weapon was enough to soothe her down.


She look up to where the fountain was and saw... John? What're you doing here? How'd he get out!?
He rushed down the dirt path and to her side, pulling the empty gun from her side.

'John I- How'd did you-'.

'It's alright... Officer Digger and Detective Rover helped me'.

Anastasia looked up to the fountain and watched both Rover and Digger appeared, 'how'd you get out?'
John held her close, 'we'll talk about it later', she heard Alan groaning, 'get that asshole away from me', she seethed and John didn't hesitate.

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