Part 14: Uncertainty

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Maybe it was a bad idea coming here... This was stupid.

She found herself tapping her fingers on the cup as she focused on the liquid.

'Am I making you uncomfortable?'

She looked up instantly, her eyes met his, 'you? Making me uncomfortable? No, you're fine- oh by the way, how'd you know that I liked that kind of book by the way?'
He smiled down, 'I wasn't following you, but I noticed you in one of the bookstores and you seemed to spend more time in the murder mystery sections... So I just assumed that'd you like one of the new books that came through'.

'New books? How the- I've been looking in that area so many times and they didn't have it'.

She rolled her eyes, 'I'm sorry, but I'm rather annoyed that you managed to get it before me'.

John smirked, 'but I guess you're happy still seeing as I gave it to you'.


She didn't know whether or not this would be an appropriate question, but she wasn't so sure when she would see him again.

'So you said your wife died, have you found-?'

John smiled sadly, Anastasia felt a pang of guilt, maybe you shouldn't have asked that.

'It's quite alright with asking me that'.

'Am I that obvious?'

John nodded, 'very... What about you? How many kids?'
Anastasia took a sip of coffee before nodding, 'I have 2 kids... Well, they're not kids anymore, one's 25 and the other is 21, they don't live at home anymore'.

'What about your husband?'

Anastasia shook her head, 'we're divorced, I've still got his last name, but I'll be changing it soon'.

'Sorry to hear about that'.

Anastasia shrugged, 'we were growing apart anyway, it's for the best'.

There was no choice, and I'm glad I'm out of it.

'You must get lonely up there'.

He added and Anastasia tried not to laugh, 'I uh... I have my cat, Molly to keep me company... What about you though? We're both floating on the same boat'.
He chuckled gently, 'Dog gives me company of course, but sometimes I get a bit lonely'.

That's terrible... But sometimes I go down that track as well.

'Well, I have my daughter over at the moment, she's come back from Uni and she wanted to stay over for-'.

Anastasia quickly stopped herself, John didn't have children, he didn't have a wife anymore and here she was talking about her children.
John looked up at her, a frown creased his brow, 'yes? You can keep going', but Anastasia didn't feel comfortable anymore.

'I uh... I have to- I should go'.


'Mina needs some help with some study, I promised to help her'.

She noticed his shoulder slump a little and she instantly regretted leaving, 'oh, okay sure', you need to sort something out, you can see him again!

'Hey, John?'

He perked up when she turned her attention back to him, 'when Mina's not busy or heads back home, we should meet up again, I appreciate you inviting me in'.

He smiled.
Such a beautiful smile.

Anastasia wanted to see it more, be mindful about the gun though, be very mindful.
John had seen her out and watched Anastasia as she made her way to her car. He was lonely, she could tell, the moment she stepped inside you could feel it. It made her cherish her time with Mina as well.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now