Chapter 12: Sudden Surprise

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Mina didn't like guns, she hated them.

They weren't too close, but close enough to see him come out of the house. The look on his face was a look that frightened Anastasia.

'Mina? You want something to drink?'

'Why do you talk to him? How come he hasn't used a gun yo-'.

'Mina, honey you mustn't think like that, I don't think he'll hurt us okay? He has no reason to'.


Mina sighed, 'I'd like a drink please mum', Anastasia smiled whilst gently raking her fingers through Mina's hair, 'the usual?'
Mina nodded.
Whilst she made the drink, Anastasia couldn't help but think.

There's still something odd about him... But I can't fucking figure it out, it's like there's some sort of missing piece.


It took her a few moments to register that her own daughter was calling her, 'oh! Yeah sorry?'

'Is everything okay? I've been calling you a few times'.

'Oh sorry... My mind just drifts sometimes'.

'Huh, funny because that happens to me when I'm in the lecture rooms'.

Anastasia laughed, 'hey, you need to pay attention in those lectures, make sure you pass!'

'Didn't you say that back when you were studying, you'd always fall asleep in the class!'

Mina shot back but Anastasia winked her, 'yes, but I was getting 100% in every single class, so the teachers didn't bother picking on me'.
She noticed Mina droop and she quickly added, 'I don't care about how good you are Mina, you do your best, that's all you have to do'.

'Thanks mum'.

Mina's brow creased, 'by the tway, you've got something over there, it's all wrapped up'.

Oh shit! It's John's present!

'Oh, I forgot to open it'.

'Who's it from?'


Mina's eyes almost popped out of her head, 'are you serious!? From that crazy guy with the gun!?'

'Mina, don't call him that'.

'Sorry, but seriously!?'

Anastasia grabbed the present and opened it... 'Holy shit', she examined the new book, Mina looked rather surprised, 'isn't that the book that you're after?'
Anastasia's face grew hot with excitment, I have to go over and thank him!... Oh would the hamper be okay with him!?

'Are you thinking of going over there!? Mum you have to be careful!'

'I know Mina, but he'll be okay'.

You don't you know that you idiot.

But the last time she spoke to him, well... He was lovely and he hadn't seen her drive past, so maybe he didn't know that she'd seen him, that way he wouldn't hurt her.

Anyway, I'll go and say thank you, this is a big find.


Mina looked rather worried and Anastasia sighed, 'look, I won't be too long, I'll just say thank you, okay?'

'Okay... Just be careful'.

Who's the adult here again?

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