Chapter 16: We Meet Again

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Mina had gone back to Uni and Anastasia had found herself alone once again. She sat on the lounge, the tv on, but she wasn't paying attention.

You really are alone.

It hit her hard and it sure as hell hurt, 'what the hell am I doing with my life Molly?' The damn cat just purred and rubbed up against her.
She froze when she heard a car door slam, shit! She had a feeling she knew who that was. So she jumped up and ran to the door. The moment she opened it she saw Alan approaching her, 'Alan? What're you doing here?' She wasn't going to let him inside, not when he was like this.

'Alan, what're you-'.

'Where are the keys to the shed?'

He snapped at her but she stepped away whilst shaking her head, 'what're you doing Alan? Why do you need to go in the-', he moved closer to her, he was far from happy.
Anastasia quickly backed away from Alan, she had dealt with this before, 'Alan, don't'.
She wasn't in the mood to deal with his anger today, in fact, any other day.

'Those are my tools, I don't see why you need them, I've a new shed for myself and I'm not gonna spend more money on all of that!'

'Alan, don't start with me okay, they're just tools!'

'Just give me the fucking keys to get into the shed!'

'I don't think so Alan'. 

I'm certainly not going to give you shit! Not with that kind of behaviour!

Before Anasatsia could react, he lunged at her, trying his best to grab the keys from her the main key chain, but she was ready, 'that's enough Alan!' 

'Give me the fucking keys!'

He lunged at her once again and this time Anastasia wasn't fast enough. His fingers wrapped around her throat, and he pulled her away from the door.

'Get off!'

She managed to scream before he tightened his grip, 'give me the fucking keys!' She fell down to one knee, 'you think you're all tough Anna, but you're far from it, you're too weak, she was better than you!'


Before she passed out, Alan's hands were ripped off her neck and she watched him fall backwards. Someone was behind him, holding onto Alan by the collar of his jacket.


She watched as John threw Alan to the ground, but he did nothing more. He wasn't going to fight Alan.

'Who the fuck're-!?'

Alan cut himself short before sneering at John who shoved his hands in his pockets, 'John, I'm her neighbour, it's nice to meet you, Alan'. 
His voice was short and clipped, he was annoyed. Alan scowled at Anastasia before pointing to the house, 'I'll be back you bitch!'

Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing. 

She watched as Alan hopped into his car and drove off.
She jumped when she felt gentle hands grip her by her shoulders, 'hey, can you walk?' John asked softly and Anastasia pulled on his hands, 'yeah... Sorry...'.

'Why're you sorry?'

'It's not nice seeing all of that'.

'What else did he do to you? Has he been like that all the time?'

Anastasia shook her head, 'he hasn't done any of that before, so I was quite surprised that he was that aggressive'.
He seemed to examine her closely, 'you have marks on your legs', he pointed out and the moments he said that she a slight pain on her knees, 'shit, yeah I'm gonna-'.

'I'll help you'. He began to walk towards her house, and she wasn't even going to say no.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now