Chapter 13: Delightful Welcome

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After seeing John with that gun, Anastasia was quite interested in him.

Are you stupid? Also, what were you doing out there with that gun?

She had to admit, she was a pretty stupid woman as well.
She ran headlong into things. Of course, she opened the present and by god she loved it so much, so she was going to talk to him, she was surprised that he seemed to know that she loved crime books and this particular book was what she was after, but it was so hard to find... So how and why did he get it?
She didn't even think about it until it was too late as he opened the door. Butterflies erupted in her chest as he looked down at her, seemingly in surprise.

'Anastasia? Are you okay?'

She obviously looked crazy right now, but she didn't care, she was so excited.

'Yes! I'm great, look I wanted to come over and thank you so much! I've been looking for this goddamn book for years and I'm stoked that you managed to find one and-'.

He stopped her suddenly and her face grew hot, oh shit he might be in the middle of something! I should go-.

'Would you like to come inside? Or do you have to go anywhere after this?'

It took her a few moments to take in what he said before she nodded, completely ignoring what she had said to Mina.

 'Oh! Sure, I can come in!'

He opened the door wider and she passed him quickly, her heart skipped a beat when she brushed against him.

Holy shit, I'm in his house!

She made her way into the living and was greeted by a dog, 'oh hey there- uh'.

'I just call him Dog'.



'Hot drink?'

He suddenly asked.

'Uh, yes! Do you have coffee?'

He rummaged through a draw after turning the kettle on, 'he wouldn't have coffee?' He suddenly said and she chuckled, 'I stopped having it- but it doesn't hurt to have it once in a while!'
She quickly added when he stopped looking through the drawer and looked back at her.

'Alright then, if that's what you want'.

His voice was soft and smooth, it soothed her.

'You haven't been in Mill Neck as long as I have, I know the area like the back of my hand'.

He said as he made the drink and she watched his muscles move gracefully.

'Oh? Yes, I'm sure you would'.

Should I ask about the gun?.... Maybe a little later.

He passed the drink to Anastasia, her fingers brushing against his and she muttered a gentle, sorry, and she noticed that he hadn't stopped looking at her as she blew over the steaming liquid.

'Is it just you in that house?'

She almost dropped the coffee, fuck fuck fuck! What do I say? Should I say yes? Do I say no?

'Uh, yes... What about you? Is it just you and your family?'

He smirked.

Oh god I'm going to faint.

'My wife passed away quite some time ago, and I don't have children'.

'Oh... I'm sorry to hear'.

He shrugged, she could see again that his eyes were still on hers.
Oh! I forgot about asking about the hamper specifically.

'Oh the hamper! I know you thanked me, but was it to really to your liking? You can be honest with me, you gave me something that I really wanted and now I-'.

'It was perfect'.

He said gently and she noticed that he'd moved closer to her.

Holy shit.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now