Chapter 23: It Was You?

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She had to get to her car, she had to get out of here before Alan would find her. So many questions filled her head as she rushed over to the vehicle.

'What the?'

The tyres were flat... To be more specific, they had been slashed.

'Good thing I slashed them'. 

She spun around to come face to face with Alan, 'what're you doing Alan?' Anastasia backed away, 'oh I was coming back to grab the last of my things'.

'There wasn't anything left to take Alan'.

'Yes there was, and my oh my, you are quite the detective, I knew those crime shows and books would pay off well'.

His smile was gone, 'but it also was a big mistake', he approached her slowly, caging her into the garage.

'How'd you do it? How'd you do all of it?'

Alan laughed and leaned against her car, 'well... It's kind of a long story, you know... I made you think that I'd been in Mill Neck for about as long as you have, 2 years, but no', he winked at her, 'I've been there quite a few time dating back a few years, I think 6 years?'

'What're you getting at?'

He sighed, 'well... This Emma Rita was my lover'.

He was having an affair with Emma!?

Anastasia shook her head in disbelief, 'so all those trips for "work"? They were never true-'.

'Yeah, pretty much, it was just me coming here to be with Emma'.

He pointed over his shoulder, 'John over there, he knows me, but not too well, I could tell he could kind of recognised me when he pulled me off of you- sorry about that, I got a bit too carried away'.

'So what the fuck happened? What happened with the screw driver?'

Alan laughed, 'listen carefully, you might get overwhelmed by the story', he chuckled darkly.

'So... Whilst I was visiting Mill Neck, I was with Emma, and John knew me, but not too well and if you recall, I was rather... Bigger... So he wouldn't really recognise me to be honest, and I've got a beard and long hair like him so- anyway. One day, Emma had told me that she wanted nothing to do with me, she said that what we were doing was wrong, she was 15 years old-'.

'Yeah, you're right, you were doing something wrong-'.

Alan stood up straight, 'I'm talking here', he snapped before resting back onto the car.

'We parted ways for a while, I ended up passing John's house and... Well and idea popped into my head. I managed to access his shed and grab his screw driver-', he laughed, 'which I think you already know that part. I basically stole the thing from him and took it back home. 
I saw Emma the next day, and I'd brought my screw driver, and she mentioned that she spoke to John briefly and then-', he clicked his fingers, 'we were out in the creek, so no one heard her, it was quick anyway'.

Anastasia wanted to puke, she had been married to this man.

Alan kept talking.

'It all just came down to good timing and coinsidences here. I still had the screw driver that I used to kill  Emma, and Johns', so I knew I had to get rid of it... So what could be better than to frame your quiet neighbour?'

'You're so heartless!'

'Ah you know me Anna! We were married once!'

He laughed before waving her off, 'anyway, we bumped into each other again later and this was the part that was a coinsedence, he told me that he couldn't find his screw driver and he needed it to work on the new work bench so-'.

Anastasia was starting to understand, 'you ended up giving yours to him, so his fingerprints were on the handle, not yours'.

Alan clapped his hands, 'bingo! He used it immedietly that day and returned it to me, but I pretended that I wasn't home and he basically left it at the front door for me-'.

Anastasia smirked, 'you did that so that you wouldn't get your fingerprints on the handle, because if he saw you, you'd have no choice but to take it'.

Alan cocked his eyebrow, 'god you make me wanna marry you again! Anyway, basically I got gloves and I eventually and brought it to the creek, to where Emma was hidden and I placed the screw driver there'.

'I'm glad we parted ways'.

'I'm glad too, also! Has he told you anything about himself? This is one of the reason I used him as well, because I just found out some history of him'.


'He kills people'.

Huh? John kills people? Now I'm confused.

Alan held out his hands, his face was creased with confusion, 'what? He hasn't told you? He has multiple guns, I've seen him and quite some time ago, I saw him running out from the creek, his clothes were stained with blood, he even had a gun!'

Remember Mina saw the gun he was holding? What was he doing?

She had to stay on gaurd, 'whatever Alan, what you've done has pissed me off!'
Alan approached her again, 'well, you won't be pissed at me for too long, I've told you too much'.
Her blood had grown cold, no no no, I don't want to die like this! I don't want to leave my kids!... I don't want to leave John!
She did the only thing she could do, she ran, she ran for her life.

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