Chapter 11: Towards The Edge

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Mina wanted to see more around Mill Neck, she had lived here for a short time, but she wanted to explore and remember areas.

'It's beautiful, just like before'.

She laughed as she stuck her head out the window. Anastasia loved seeing Mina like this, she remembered Mina when she was small and how she would always stick her head out and open her mouth to catch the breeze. She wasn't a baby though, she was only in her teens. It wasn't long before she left, left this beautiful landscape.

She left me behind... Everyone did.

'Hey mum! Look, there's a man over there!'

Anastasia's was ripped out of her mind when she heard Mina yell and she looked to the left, oh, it's John-.
She almost stopped the car when she saw him in the front yard holding... A gun... He had a gun!

Oh god.

There was something about him when she spoke to him, the way he looked when she met him the first time, and the second time as well. He's out there with a gun.
Mina pulled herself back into the car, her eyes were wide with shock, 'mum, he has a gun... Do you know that man?'
Anastasia didn't say anything at first but she nodded, 'that's John... John Wick I- I spoke to him not that long ago'.

'Is he okay?'

'He seemed okay... Honey, don't worry, I won't let him near you'.

'He had a gun mum'.

Her voice had grown quiet and Anastasia knew that her daughter wasn't happy, 'turn around mum, I wanna go back, he'll follow us- wait he knows where you live- I'.
Anastasia grabbed Mina's knee with her free hand, 'honey! It's going to be fine, I don't think he'll use it on anyone okay?'

'Then why does he-'.

'Honey, I don't know, just ignore him'.

Anastasia quickly turned the car around, the image with John walking out with a gun stuck in her mind.

Who are you Mr. Wick?

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now