Chapter 21: I Can Save You

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When she saw John again he was had returned to the man that he was before. He withdrew from the world... Even from Anastasia and it hurt.

'John... Please, I want to talk to you'.

She spoke slowly, she hated seeing him like this. Not that she hated him at the start, but seeing him the way he was earlier on? It shed new light on him and she loved it.
Right now he didn't even look at her, his eyes were downcast, there was no way that he would talk, especially from her.

'I know, what happened back at home was terrible, and I shouldn't have been scared of you, I'm sorry that I made you feel that way'.

He slowly looked up at her and she continued, 'look... I was told that the victim was called Emma Rita, and you said that you only met her once'.
He didn't respond, but she could tell there was something different, there was more to this story and she wanted to know more.

'Maybe you're right, you did see her once... I also I need to talk to Alan, he's got my attention'.

John seemed to sit up when he heard Alan's name, and Anastasia put her hands up to calm him.

'It's alright John, look... There's something that he said that you and Alan had said, it's got my attention, I need to talk to him, just trust me on this'.

She wanted to see that smile from him, but not right now, there was nothing to smile about when was youre behind bars.

'Are you sure?'

It was the first thing that he had said throughout the whole conversation. 
Anastasia nodded slowly, 'I want to talk to him, I might be able to figure something out, don't worry, it'll only be over the phone'.

She hesitated before smiling, 'don't worry, I'm sure we'll sort something out', she couldn't touch him, she wasn't allowed to.
He returned his gaze back to the table, she had turned away from him this time, her eyes connecting with Officer Digger.

'Look after him... I'm going to look further into this'.

'But Ms. Annabelle, you shouldn't-'.

She stopped him, 'Officer, I know you're trying to do the right thing, but I know that John's innocent, this murder was years ago... Something's not right'.
He seemed to catch on to her idea, 'well... Give us a call if something does happen and you're in trouble'.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now