Chapter 4: Bad News

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Two days later and she heard a knock on her front door and when she opened it, she was met with a small man, wearing dark glasses and a uniform.

'Detective Rover?'

Anastasia was quite surprised to see the Detective around Mill Neck. Rover smiled, 'hello Anna, how've you been?'

'I've been alright- please, come in!'

She pushed the door wider and allowed him inside, 'do you want the usual drink?' She asked as she turned the kettle on, 'yes please, I'm in need of some good liquid', he chuckled.
He sat down as she made his drink.

'What brings you here?'

 She passed the coffee, Rover who quickly took a sip, 'I don't mean to shock you, but human remains were found in the Mill Neck Creek'.

Anastasia almost spat out her tea, 'what!?' Rover shook his head, 'terrible, I know'.

'Human remains!?'

Anastasia felt her knees grow weak, her hand shooting out to grab the counter, 'I-I can't believe that!'

Rover took another sip, 'Judging by the skeleton, they've been there for quite some time, the forensics will be able to tell us'.
Anastasia was always interested in things like this... Though she preferred that no one died, she was definetly interested in the mystery/crime shows.

'That's aweful!'

Rover hummed, 'I was just checking up on you as well', but Anastasia shook her head, 'you'd want to ask me where I was?'

'I wouldn't be asking that just yet, we don't know how long they've been out there'.


She silently sighed in relief, but she was still on edge, 'Jesus, someone was out there for god knows how long and I never knew that... All of us didn't know- wait, how were they found?'

'Ah, some passerby had noticed them... Pretty hard to miss, his dog had grabbed one of the bones'

'So, you have to deal with obtaining DNA and all that?

He chuckled before surpringly sculling the tea, 'by the way, you look troubled, if you want, you can tell me what's on your mind'.
She hesitated before speaking, 'Alan came around'.

'The fuck's he doing here?'

Anastasia chuckled, 'he had a box of things he had to get, pretty much the last of the things he owns'.

'Ah, well good riddance, he was such an asshole, tell me, did he say he was seeing someone?'

Anastasia nodded, 'her name was Felicity and they've been together for some time appar-'.
Rover inturrupted, 'I call bullshit on that one, tell me, did he hesitate before answering you?'

Anastasia nodded, and Rover clicked his fingers, 'he's not seeing anyone, he's too much of a dick head to be with anyone else'.
'God Rover, you really know how to tear someone down'.

'I'm known for that, but my wife is better than me in that area'.

'How's Stacey going?'

'Right as rain, she's been growing more roses as well, if you'd like, I'll give some seeds to you do you could spice things up around the house'.

He then smirked, 'say, before I forget, are you aware that you have a neighbour?'

Anastasia perked up, 'oh yes! I realised I had one, I saw him drive past me, turns out he was getting some groceries, and I ended up bumping into him in one of the isles... He seemed nice'.
Rover rolled his eyes, 'well, we have to talk to him seeing as he's living in Mill Neck as well as you'.

'Wonder what he's like?'

'I dunno, I'll tell you after I speak to him'.

Or maybe I could try and see him myself.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now