Chapter 8: The Daughter Returns

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The sun had set when Anastasia had heard the engine.
She had gotten up from the couch and peeked through the kitchen window that overlooked past the front.
There was a car, she couldn't decipher what kind.
She watched as it drove past, the person's trying to be stealthy... It's not really working...
She tried not to laugh as she watched as the car moved past the house. Anastasia had turned most of the lights off in the front area, so the person would have assumed that she wouldn't have noticed them.

That's as if they were hiding from me.

The stranger was heading towards the other side... Down the path where Mr. Wick had driven out from... Oh it must be Mr. Wick... What the hell is he doing out so late?
She sighed and went back to the couch and picked up Molly, 'I'm starting to go crazy aren't I Molly?'
Molly meowed softly.


A phone call in the morning had ripped Anastasia from her sleep.

'Fucking hell'.

She mumbled as she grabbed her mobile.

'Hello this is-'.



'Mina? Are you okay?'

She heard her daughter laugh, 'yes! I'm fine, look I haven't been talking to you for a while and I'm sorry for that'.

'No, no it's alright Mina, I understand that you're busy-'.

'Mum, there's no excuse, I have been busy but- you know... Maybe I could come over and visit?'

Mina wants to visit?

'That would be wonderful'.

Anastasia was happy, she hadn't seen Mina for so long, and she understood that Andrew was different, she was much older and had much bigger plans that Mina.

'When would you like to come over?'

Mina hummed, 'maybe late afternoon?' Anastasia was quite shocked, 'oh! You mean today? That'd be wonderful!'

'Alright mum! I'll let you know when I'm on my way, okay I have to go, love you!'

'Love you too'.

The line went dead and Anastasia lay back on the bed with a wide smile, her hand rubbing against Molly's fur, 'you hear that Molly? My daughter's coming to visit me'.

The Mill Neck Murder | A John Wick/Female Character FanficWhere stories live. Discover now