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the summer was spent right, making up for what they had lost the summer before.

anytime it was possible ron and briar would spend their time together.

yet, both of them had still not talked about if they were dating, exclusive, etc. but all they knew and were certain and content about was that they knew that they cared for each other deeply and only wanted to be with the other. it was an unspoken statement.

briar didn't even realize it but her nightmares completely vanished over the summer. yes, she still thought about and missed cedric dearly but she was able to mourn and not feel guilty about being happy at times.

besides, it never felt like he was ever truly gone, briar couldn't help but spot the similarities between him and harry.

but this year was going to be different, briar had planned that she would talk to ron and they would officially say what they are and let everyone know that they belonged to each other.

as briar said goodbye to her mother at the train station, she couldn't help but look around for her ron.

it was only minutes before the train was about to leave, so she bid one last farewell and climbed onto the train looking for either a kid with glasses or fiery red hair.

pulling her trunk behind her, she bumped into ginny and even though she had seen her just a week before, she wore a surprised expression and jumped forward to hug her best friend.

"come on, our compartment is right down here..." ginny said, leading her to the closed door.

as she entered the compartment everyone looked over to see who joined them.

her eyes instantly met with blue ones and blushed at their eye contact, never truly being able to shake down her nerves around him.

she quickly looked over to harry and smiled widely as she lifted her trunk up to store above them for the ride.

it was obviously heavy, she packed for the whole school year, and she was just an inch smaller than average height for her age.

briar stood up on the tips of her toes trying to reach the top shelf.

after about a second of struggling she felt ron grab her trunk for her. "here, let me get that for you."

she didn't know if it was possible but had his voice grown deeper since she had seen him only a little over a week ago?

she didn't know what it was but he had gotten even more attractive than he was the last time he saw her, which wasn't very long ago, but it felt like it had been ages.

her face heated up at their close proximity as she let go of her luggage letting him swiftly put it over their heads.

"thanks." she smiled awkwardly.

briar looked around at everyone in the compartment and chewed on the inside of her mouth quickly saying, "i'll be right back, i- yeah."

she walked out of the compartment and shut the door behind her, instantly becoming disgusted with her awkwardness.

i mean, she had known these people for two years now, and this will be her third. she and ron were so much more than friends from an outsider it would have seemed like the opposite.

ginny looked over to hermione, "uh, maybe i should go check on her-"

"no, it's fine, i can." ron interrupted, swiftly moving to the door.

he could see her about to open the door to the bathroom.

he ran up and stepped beside her, looking down to attempt to read her expression. "why've you been avoiding me, love?"

briar sucked in a breath and anxiously looked around before pulling ron into the tiny bathroom with her by his wrist.

she shut the door behind her and stood facing him with an unreadable face.

"what's the matter bri?" he laughed.

"nothing. i just- i have nerves."



"nerves about what?" ron asked, stepping slightly closer to her.

she stepped backwards, "i don't know."

"nerves about me?" he stepped closer, causing her back to hit the door.

briar exhaled as if to laugh, "you wish weasley."

"then why else are you avoiding me and acting so weird?" he questioned, closing in on her.

she could feel her heartbeat quicken, "i don't know." she answered again.

"i think i'm making you nervous."

he stood over her, she looked up to him through her eyelashes.

instead of answering, briar pulled him down by his shirt collar and kissed him. 

their height difference wasn't extreme, but she lifted the heels of her feet up to make their lips more level.

his hands rested perfectly on her hips as he pressed her more into the door.

her fingers instantly found themselves in his hair, pulling him as close to her as possible.

just as ron was about to take it a bit further, the train jolted a bit causing their lips to separate.

sense came rushing back into her brain. as much as she did want to stay there with him, she much more wanted to leave him flustered.

she smiled up to him as she put her hand on the door knob, "i think im gonna go see how luna and neville's summer was."

"what?!" he yelped obviously confused with her change in demeanor. "we were kinda in the middle of something."

"yeah, but we'll have time later."

"no, i have to show the stupid first years to their dorms again. you know, my prefect duties."

"your prefect duties, i didn't know you cared so much about your duty to hogwarts." she teased, running her hand through his hair.

"ugh, don't do that bri," he groaned, growing very flustered under her touch, "you know i would much rather be with you than some annoying first years."

"thank you ronald."

"yeah, sure, anytime, now can we resume?"

"sorry ronnie, but you can wait."

"no i cant!" his voice cracked slightly, "im a boy!"

"even more reason to make you wait." briar rolled her eyes at him playfully before opening the bathroom door, leaving ron exactly how she wanted,


ok for the first chapter i don't hate this😵‍💫

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