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after that night things had been pretty ok between ron and briar.

ron was busy most nights with prefect stuff, and briar was frankly annoyed at him because as lavender kept flirted with him he didn't shoot her down.

and it was safe to say the angry sex didn't really make it better, only for a moment. but it didn't actually solve the issue.

"want to hangout later?" she asked ron expectantly.

"cant... sorry."


"i have a lot of homework."

"you never do homework."

"well snape said if i have missing homework one more time i get a month long detention." he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"oh. ok." briar nodded slowly before she walked off to her next class.

"what was that about?" ginny asked, coming up out of nowhere.


"your little lovers quarrel."

briar stopped abruptly, "we aren't dating."

"are you kidding me?" ginny scoffed, "you're still claiming that? we all know you guys are doing stuff. i just wish you at least had the decency to confirm it to your best friend."

"but we aren't. we aren't dating. just leave it alone, please." briar reinforced, starting to get upset.

"whatever." she replied, instantly going in the opposite direction.


later that night, briar was sitting in the kitchens after curfew stuffing her face with cake.

when she was stressed, she ate. she ate just about whenever but she was using her stress and sadness as an excuse as to why it was ok to scarf down a whole cake.

the door opened, causing briar to turn her head towards it to see a tall red head walk in sleepily.

"what are you doing here?" he asked, confused.

"eating." she answered, as she swallowed a huge chunk of cake. "why are you here? i thought you had homework."

"i did. i just finished."

"well... good for you."

there was an obvious tension between them, they had not spoken on anything happening between them.

they were both quiet as she sat at the table, suddenly loosing her appetite. and he stood near the door awkwardly.

ron sighed loudly, finally deciding to just face the music. "can we talk about this?"

"talk about what?" she played dumb.

"don't do that." he ran his hand through his hair obviously frustrated. "somethings wrong here."

"yeah somethings wrong here! it's lavender and how you know she flirts with you. but you just love the attention so much that you don't do anything about it." briar said, her voice raising as she stood up from the table.

"how many times do i have to say it? i don't like her!"

"but you aren't telling her no." she countered quickly.

"i don't wanna be mean!"

"that's bullshit." briar stepped towards ron, looking up at him angrily.

"you know what?" he was visibly getting more upset, "maybe i do like the extra attention! especially since you refuse to show our relationship in public and constantly shoot down whenever someone asks if we are together! maybe i like that someone is willing to openly show interest in me and be with me. i don't know what you're so afraid of! every time it seems like we are close to becoming something more than a question, you push it away and make sure that it will never happen."

"i just don't like pda! it's not that i don't want to be with you! but you obviously don't seem to care about me if you are going around letting lavender brown flirt with you and not even say 'i like someone else'!"

"whatever briar, i'm done. i've been letting you pull me around with this hope that one day you'll finally say 'let's talk about what we are' but no, it never happened. i cant exactly figure out why because you are so affectionate in private, but don't let anything show or anyone know. im sick of waiting and wondering. i like you so much briar. maybe even love you. but if you can't tell me the same, im going to find someone who can." ron said.

there was a moment of silence. waiting for briar to say the words she was too afraid to admit.

but nothing came of it.

they just looked at each other. ron expectantly, each second his face growing more in sadness and briar not taking her eyes off of him, tears brimming, lips trembling, but she couldn't find her voice.

she wanted to say it, but she was scared to be so vulnerable.

ron nodded as he pressed his lips in a line, fighting back his own tears. "alright."

he turned around and walked out the door. leaving briar standing in the middle of the kitchen with her mouth agape and eyes wide, realizing what just happened.

her eye sight went foggy as she let her legs collapse underneath her.

she held her head in her hands and silently sobbed, hoping the elves, who probably just saw the whole scene, had the decency to leave her alone.

sorry if it seems like this fight is kinda sudden but i also feel like it's long overdue lol

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