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"only two more weeks until christmas!" ginny beamed to everyone in the common room.

"yay..." briar said unenthusiastically.

"oh, lighten up." ginny said, sitting down on the couch next to her.

"yeah, it'll be fun." harry said as he cleaned his glasses.

briar leaned forward and rested her elbows on her legs, "harry, i actually have a question for you."

he hummed a response, putting them back on.

"how come you're like, the only student here who wears glasses?"

everyone went silent for a second, asking themselves the same question.

harry's face grew red with embarrassment as he slouched down in his chair.

"oh, please. i'm sure there's another student in the castle that wears glasses." hermione perked up.

"really? like who?" briar raised her eyebrows challengingly.

"well, there's..." hermione drifted off, sporting a puzzled expression.

"uh huh..." briar gestured for her to go on.

"and... uh..." she said, racking her brain.

briar sat back and smiled just before the portrait door swung open with ron and lavender laughing loudly about something.

"oh! sorry..." ron said, growing stiff at the sight of briar.

"we were just-" lavender paused to giggle obnoxiously, "having some fun."

"ew. i did not need to know that." ginny scrunched up her nose like she ate something sour.

"i'm gonna go." briar whispered to ginny, standing up from her seat.

"it's all yours." she continued, gesturing her hand towards the couch.


one week until christmas, three more days until break.

briar was in her dorm, packing for the trip. she had accepted going to the weasleys when fred and george sent her a letter explaining how much they missed her and told her to come for the holiday or else she would regret it.

briar had also made sure lavender wouldn't be attending, when she heard she wasn't, briar confirmed her decision.

she was going through her clothes, deciding what sweaters to bring, when she came across an old one stuffed into the bottom of her trunk, ron's old sweater.

she held it up, remembering the last time she banished it to the bottom.

~ flashback ~

it was right after briar and ron had officially broken up.

briar ran into her dorm, crying into the sleeves of her shirt, when she went around her room looking for things that would remind her of him and hide them away somewhere.

she didn't have much since she really didn't have much of his stuff just little presents and things.

but when she was digging through her clothes, she found his old sweater that she used to wear when they were a thing.

she immediately emptied out her trunk to hide it away as far down as she could get it, knowing that she wouldn't look for a sweater anytime soon that deep into her trunk.

~ end of flashback ~

taking the sweater, she put it in a box beneath her bed. she wasn't ready to let go of it yet, but she didn't want to see it and remember where it was or have it with her on while at the burrow.


one more day until break. they were leaving the next morning.

"are you all packed?" ginny asked at dinner.

"yeah, you?" briar said as she cut her bread.

ginny nodded and went on, "you better be up tomorrow, cause i won't be the one waking you up."

"i know gin, i've gotta be down in the common room at 9 am, sharp." briar replied, rolling her eyes.

ginny ignored her and swallowed her mashed potatoes, "if anything happens with-" she cut herself off and looked slightly down the table to ron, "-you can come to me. i promise."

briar smiled at her and rubbed her shoulder up against her's lightly, "yeah, i know."


"where is she?!" harry groaned, looking down at his watch.

"i told her to be ready and down here at nine." ginny tapped her foot impatiently, staring up at the girls dorms entrance.

ron set down his trunk and walked up to his sister and friend, "what's the hold up?"

"briar." harry said shortly.

"if she doesn't get down here soon, we'll have to leave with out her." ginny went on her harry.

"what do you mean?" ron knitted his eyebrows together, staring at ginny.

she sighed and rolled her eyes, "the portkey has a set time for us to go home, ron. which means, if she isn't down here soon- i don't know- maybe we could send another portkey for her sometime after we get there."

"well, when do we have to leave?" ron asked.

"in..." harry checked his watch, "two minutes."

"merlin." ron groaned under his breath.

"i guess she'll figure out we already left soon." ginny shrugged looked over to harry.

"ok- we gotta go." she looked to ron.

ron hesitated and runs his hand through his hair in frustration, "you guys go ahead." he said. "i'll wait back for the next portkey with her."

"are you sure, mate?" harry said sympathetically.

"yeah, just- you guys go on. we'll see you later." ron nodded quickly.

"oh! and," he added before they left, " send it to the common room, we'll wait in there for it, whenever it comes."

harry and ginny agreed and gathered their bags to go.


briar woke up to loud knocks at her door. when she checked the time, she saw it was 9:02.

she ran to the door and opened it expecting ginny, but got ron instead.

"rise and shine, sleepyhead." ron smirked down at her.

briar let out a noise of disgust, attempting to slam the door on his face, but he caught the door right as she swung it, and let himself in.

"you've overslept, so now we have to wait until they send us a new portkey."

briar groaned and sighed, already cursing herself for over sleeping.

i dont wanna take my drivers test, i already tried and failed and now my friend passed here on the first try.🫠

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