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tw: weed usage

a few days had passed since their fight.

briar and ron refused to talk to each other.

ron was now openly flirting with lavender in their classes together, knowing briar could see, and knowing it would make her upset.

and she didn't dare look at him, she would pretend she didn't even know he was in the same room as her or that she knew he existed.

she knew she was in the wrong, but she couldn't help but be scared and embarrassed about the whole affair.

the first quidditch match of the school year was happening at the end of the week. it was the only thing everyone was talking about.

ron was beyond stressed. he couldn't focus on school when he had to think about quidditch, and how if he failed everyone would be upset with him.

in potions class, ron and lavender were across the room brewing a potion together.

briar angrily stirred her own potion, causing it to spill all over the table and get yelled at by slughorn.

"sorry sir." she apologized softly as she flicked her wand to clean up the mess.

harry was her partner. they both didn't really talk too much, they just sat in comfortable silence.

harry was still grieving over sirius's death and how shitty his life truly was. and briar was sad about her relationship with ron and facing her own issues of hating herself for not being able to let herself be vulnerable with the one person she liked the most, and not admit what she was thinking and feeling.

at dinner, ron and lavender were sitting next to each other. her giggling loudly at something ron said and him laying it on thick by glancing towards briar every few seconds, trying to make her more jealous than she already was.

"well they look awfully cozy." neville said in an awkward voice.

"it's disgusting." briar sneered. "like, i'm trying to eat. and i cant do that when i have that sight at the table, makes me sick."

briar stabbed at her plate of food before abruptly standing up, "you know what? i've lost my appetite."

she walked out of the great hall and straight for gryffindor tower.

all she wanted was to get high.

she had almost forgot about the extra blunt she had stolen from fred and george when they were back at the castle.

she went digging through her drawers until she found the messily constructed cigarette.

normally one cigarette wouldn't be enough to get briar to the high she wanted, but fred and george's stuff was strong.

she didn't know where they got it, and didn't care enough to ask. she was only appreciative that they let her smoke for free.

briar held the blunt to her lips as she inhaled, watching the lighter she had in her free hand illuminate the room.

she finished smoking up the blunt, waiting for the high to creep up on her.

she didn't even realize it was curfew when she went decided to take a trip to the kitchens for a snack.

as she came and went, she plopped down onto the common room couch with a plate of fresh cookies in her hands.

briar was so entranced by the fire in front of her and eating the cookies she didn't even realize someone wave their hand in front of her face.

as she realized who it was, studying their features for a moment, she groaned loudly.

she tried to reach for the moving hand but failed causing her to become even more upset than she already was, "what the fuck do you want ron?"

"i just couldn't sleep." he answered, starting to get on edge.

before briar could even realize it, the words were already falling out of her mouth, "having fun with lavender?"

ron rolled his eyes tiredly, "what are you on about?"

"i said, are you having fun with lavender?" she repeated, slitting her eyes towards him.

"yeah, i actually am." he answered.

briar sat back on the couch with this look on her face, showing she was thinking about what he said.

after silence, she spoke, "i don't understand. everything was just fine two weeks ago."

ron threw his head back in annoyance, "i told you bri, i told you how i felt, and you don't feel the same. so im not going to waste my time any longer."

she didn't answer, she was already high and saying things she knew she'd regret, but if she was going to confess all her true feelings to ron, it would be sober.

he ran his hand through his hair lazily sighing, "merlin bri, would you just say something?!"

briar stood up quickly and couldn't stop herself, her face heating up as her vision when blurry with tears she forced back. "don't do that! don't do that thing with your hair! you're making me so mad! and... stop calling me that! we are in the middle of a fight!" she instinctively wrapped her arms around her waist as she ran up to her dorm, trying to control her rapid breathing.

she finally got to her dorm, closing the door behind her, not caring if she woke anyone up. she could feel her headache creeping on her. she sat down on her bed with toulouse crawling up beside her.

briar clamped her eyes shut and curled up under her sheets, refusing to let herself cry over a stupid boy who she didn't want to cry over anymore.

i HATE the term 'munchies' it makes me physically ill


anyways i hope you enjoyed. sorry it kinda sucks so far

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