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two days later briar was in potions, trying not to think about the night before. she didn't even notice harry wasn't sitting next to her until she looked up to see ron and harry talking in the corner of the room.

it was obvious that they were trying to whisper, but it was more like random moments of loudness which then followed by a 'shush' from one of them.

briar didn't notice until slughorn was asking the boys what they were up to.

"what are you boys up to?"

"oh, sorry professor, we were just-" harry looked to ron nervously.

"talking." ron finished as harry stared at his answer.

slughorn took a second before shaking his head, "well, best get back to work now!"

"of course, sorry professor." harry said.

briar's face flushed as she and ron made eye contact. she quickly looked down to her cauldron and started mixing her potion to try and act natural.

"just talk to her!" harry raised his voice, earning ron to shush him even louder.

after class, briar always made sure (if she had a class with ron) to either be the first one out or the last one out of the room so that there wouldn't possibly be any crossing of paths.

she slowly gathered up her things, discreetly seeing when ron exited the classroom.

when he finally left, she scooped up her bag and headed for the door.

as she walked out the door, she saw ginger flash in the corner of her eye. "briar?"

her eyes widened as she realized he had been waiting for her to leave.

she stood in place, not daring to look him in the eye.

she knew she was being childish but she was genuinely so scared and embarrassed and wasn't expecting this.

"can we talk?" ron asked as he put his hand to the back of his neck.

"sorry- i have to get to my next class." briar coughed out.

"but it's lunch now..." he said.

"uh, yeah." she looked around for a way out.

briar started speed walking down the nearest hallway she could find as ron trailed after her.

"come on bri-"

"no. i don't want to talk to you, i'm sorry ron."

"bri, please-"

"just leave me alone- and stop calling me that!" she turned around fast to face him.

his face looked tired and worn. his lips were swollen and chapped. he looked at her with the face of need.

she almost gave in, until she thought of his lips on hers, and them laughing together while she was trying to not listen.

she shook her head, as if shaking away the thoughts and backed up. "im sorry, but i can't."

ron opened his mouth as if to say something before she turned her back to him and walked as quickly as she could to wherever her feet would take her.


later that night, harry and briar were sitting in her dorm as briar was petting toulouse.

"im sorry i blew up on you that night at the lake." she apologized in a small voice.

"no, it's ok. it was nerve wrecking." harry nodded.

"did he talk to you?" he went on.

"he tried."


"i kinda ran away..." briar glued her lips together awkwardly.

harry just nodded again and stared down at toulouse.

"i mean..." he started, "i understand, it's gonna take time, you just have to do it at your own pace."

"wow harry, i never knew you could be so insightful." briar joked.

"it's not really what im known for." he laughed.

sorry this one's short but i have more planned

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