the new year had passed and everyone was already on the train back to hogwarts.

briar and ron hadn't even looked at or acknowledged each other after that night.

it was already awkward enough when they would around each other, but fully ignoring their presence too was even harder.

"i don't understand. it seemed like you two were getting along again." ginny said, leaning back in her seat.

briar shrugged, "guess not."

ginny, luna, briar, and neville were all sitting in a compartment talking about their holidays when the door slid open.

"sorry," harry readjusted his glasses, "have you guys seen ron?"

"no... harry, how was your holiday?" luna asked as she was knitting next to neville.

"it was fine, and yours?" he said.

"ugh- harry we need to find ron. we aren't here to chit chat." hermione cut luna off before she could even answer.

"he's probably sucking lavender's face off." briar mumbled, thinking no one heard her.

"right... well, we should probably go find him." harry said, already closing the door.

once they left, ginny turned to briar, "i don't understand! if you are so jealous, why not just make up and be happy?"

"because," briar began rolling her eyes, "he is with her. and as long as he's with her, nothing can happen." she paused then sighed, "plus, he still owes me an apology."

"well? what did she say?" ron asked as harry and hermione came back into their compartment.

"not much." hermione said lamely.

"she said something about how you were probably off snogging lavender." harry sighed as he sat down.

ron leaned back and smiled to himself, "she's jealous."

hermione closed the book in her hand and slammed it the seat next to her. "just go talk to her! break up with lavender, i don't even know why you're still with her if you don't like her. you are an idiot ronald weasley."

ron blinked at her with wide eyes, clearly scared.

"mate, take mione's advice. i don't think playing games is gonna make her come to you." harry suggested.

"just apologize, ron." hermione rolled her eyes, opening up her book again.

"she owes me an apology!" ron said as he rubbed his temples.

"merlin, you guys are stubborn." harry said.

ron didn't answer, instead he just slouched down in his seat and took a bite of a chocolate frog he hadn't finished before.

after the train ride and back at the castle, briar was back in her dorm unpacking her things. ginny was laying on the floor choosing which color she wanted to paint her nails.

"i can't believe classes start tomorrow." ginny groaned, rolling onto her back.

"yeah..." briar replied, trailing off. "why won't he break up with her?" she turned around, asking abruptly.

"he's a stupid boy, that's why." ginny laughed.

"im serious." briar sighed, "if he really wanted to be with me he would break up with her."

ginny shrugged, "i don't know."

briar missed him so much. she didn't think it was possible to miss someone this much.

she thought about him all the time, she would try and push him out of her head but there he was just when she would think she forgot.

it was obviously hard to try and get over him because they went to school together, were in the same house, had mutual friends, and even when she attempted to avoid all those things, he would somehow worm his way back into her life. as if he knew she was trying to forget about him.

she went over dozens of memories over and over trying to feel how happy she was at those times. and it was almost like her mind tricked her into thinking that she was back in those memories, experiencing them again. but that's the issue with happy memories, you feel that happiness again but very soon are brought back to reality, making you sad once again.

she would love to just run back to him and act like lavender wasn't there, but she couldn't. she couldn't do that to another girl.

as much as she didn't like lavender, it was obvious how in love with ron she was. and it would definitely hurt if anything happened.

briar didn't want that for her.

she wished cedric were there. he would know exactly what to say and do.

she felt like there was no one in her life she could confide in fully. harry, ron's best friend. ginny, ron's sister.

and that's when she realized those are the only people she really hangs out with besides ron. or, hung out with.

she didn't feel close enough to luna or neville to spill her heart out to them.

she was truly alone and had to figure everything out by herself and keep all of her experiences and emotions in.

"i have to use the bathroom." briar spat out of no where.

she didn't dare let any tears fall until she closed the door behind her, sitting on the floor putting her head in her hands, sobbing softly.

you know what sucks about wattpad?

when i apply for colleges i can't be like "oh yeah i have experience in writing. here i'll show you my ron weasley fanfic!"

like no... if anything that will probably make them not wanna accept me😭

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