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nah because at the sad scenes and seeing the comments on it always make me laugh💔

it had been only a week of ron and briars returning friendship and lavender was already down ron's neck about it.

"lav, i promise. we are just friends." he groaned, throwing his head back in frustration.

"i know you still like her!" she sobbed loudly.

"no i dont. you're my girlfriend."

"it doesn't matter." she sniffed, "anyone can see it."

"it's just you!"

"no, everyone knows you'd rather be with her."


"ok, what's used to make love potion antidote?"

"merlin, i don't know. how am i supposed to know?"

"maybe because it's part of the criteria we need to learn to pass?" briar deadpanned.

"when am i ever going to need a love potion antidote? who would give me a love potion? and when would i need to make it?" ron complained.

"why do you expect me to know? this is just what slughorn wants us to learn." she sighed. "come on, i know you know this."

"no bri, i really don't."

"ok, then at least tell me what color it is."

"i don't know, purple?"

"wrong, it was a trick question, it's colorless."

"let's take a break." he leaned forward, onto the table in between them.

briar sighed, "no, ron. we can't do that. if we waste anymore time not studying then i'll have to tutor you forever."

ron fell back in his chair, not replying.

"you don't like hanging out with me?" he finally said.

"we both already know the answer to that. let's just focus."

"i dont." he smirked.

"stop flirting. it's not nice." she said.

"im not flirting. weird that you automatically assumed that i was trying to flirt with you."

"angel's trumpet draught. what does it do?" briar ignored.

"no one knows."

briar's eyes lit up. "correct!"


"yes! oh, im so proud." she beamed.

ron started laughing at her, "what?" she asked.

"you just got so excited over one right answer." he shook his head.

"well, it's a mass improvement over 'i don't know' and 'im bored'."

he shrugged, smiling down at his hands in his lap.

"did you see snape today?" he asked.

"no... why?"

"someone must've slipped him something cause when i saw him this morning his whole face was green! he looked like he was gonna puke on someone!" ron laughed loudly.

"merlin, i wish i could've seen that." she pressed her lips together.

the doors to the library swung open and lavender came running in. wildly looking for ron.

once she spotted him, she ran up to the table they were sitting at, "won won, you were supposed to meet me thirty minutes ago." she smiled, clearly upset but not wanting to seem crazy compared to briar.

"oh- sorry lav, we were just studying and i guess the time slipped." he sat up, looking at the time.

"im sorry, it's my fault. i wanted to go over a few more topics." briar said as she packed up her books.

"yeah, i bet you did." lavender said under her breath.

"excuse me?" briar looked up to her.

"uh- why don't i meet you outside?" ron cut in quickly, turning to lavender.

lavender nodded, staring daggers into briar.

"sorry about that..." ron sighed, gently laughing it off.

"it's fine." briar shook her head, picking up her bag, "i'll see you next week?"

"what about our meeting tomorrow?" he asked.

"oh, yeah, i just remembered i actually have something i need to do tomorrow, sorry."

ron nodded slowly, taking his things as well. "alright, well. i guess until next week."


"ugh, i really hate her, you know." ginny rolled her eyes from the bed.

"yeah, i know." briar replied, feeding toulouse before they go down for dinner.

"she's so annoying. coming in there and being mean to you because you were covering ron's ass. she should be upset that he didn't even care enough to go meet her!" ginny laughed.

"yeah, but it's fine." briar said.

"whatever, at least you and ron are friends again."

briar nodded as she opened the door to leave, "it's nice."

"you're telling me. now i won't have to hear from him every five seconds, 'did briar say anything about me?' and, 'please gin, harry won't tell me anything.' it's getting quite annoying actually." ginny sighed.

"what? i'm sorry." briar said, blushing and trying to hide her growing smile.

"no no, you don't understand. it was cute the first two times, and then it turned into ten and then twenty and now i've lost count."

"what did you tell him?"

"oh, nothing really. you don't talk about him that much, actually." ginny realized. "i would just say, 'i don't know, ron. she doesn't say much.'"

"good," briar nodded, "now can we stop talking about him?"

"see! this is what i mean! most girls would want to talk about their crush all the time to the point of annoyance."

briar shrugged, "i don't really like talking about romance. it feels too cheesy."

"brilliant, we feel the same way."

"i'm sorry, what? all i ever hear is you gushing over practically every strand on harry's head!" briar laughed, stopping before they open the portrait door.

ginny's face flushed, "that was when i was younger!"

"yeah, i guess you don't do it as much anymore... but still. i get an in depth description of something 'cute' he did or, 'cute' he said."

"you always seem interested when i tell you." ginny said softly.

"no, no gin, i do! i just don't like talking about my romance."

"did you see what snape looked like this morning?" ginny asked, changing the topic.

"no," briar smiled, looking over to her, "what happened?"

"oh, it was great. his whole face was green, he looked like he was gonna be sick!" ginny laughed.

briar laughed along, "i wish i could've seen that."

i didn't even realize how long it had been since i uploaded until i got back on here to finish this chapter💔

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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