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omg i just realized it's been FOUR MONTHS since i was last updating. IM SO SORRY I HOPE THESE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS MAKE UP FOR IT

"he seems fine most of the time, forcing smiles and neverminds"

ever since the break up harry and briar have gotten even closer then they were before.

they've been there for each other, helping the other when they need it.

harry didn't dislike ron any less but ron's time was being taken up by lavender and hermione was always studying so he turned to briar. and even though it started out as just a guilty feeling for her and no one else to hang out with, they grew closer and enjoyed the others company more and more.

but, it didn't take a genius to know that harry needed help too, and it was long overdue.

briar always knew that harry had been through a lot, and will probably go through more, but she never realized just how he doesn't really have anyone to confide in and turn to.

harry would tell her things that he had never told anyone else.

when they would go off somewhere and hang out, he would often say, "i mean, what's the point anymore? everything would be fixed if i was gone."

"don't say that." she would reply.

this time he went on to say, "no b, but it's true! if i disappeared there wouldn't be a potential war coming up where many lives can and will be lost."

"harry, you are the only one who can fix this. i wish that wasn't the case, i wish you didn't have to feel all alone in this, i wish it didn't have to be this way. because you don't deserve any of this. and of course, there will always be people who will help but, no one truly understands and can relate to what you are going through. you aren't alone, harry. you've lost so much but you are so much more then that. if you weren't here, the world would be in ruins and i know you are going to win, i know everything will be ok in the end. and i mostly wish people weren't fucking assholes to you all the time and would realize where we would be if it weren't for you. i mean, they should be bowing down to you for all that you've done!"

usually the conversation would end with, "thank you b, i just- it can be so hard sometimes."

"i know, i know. but just know that i am here for you. and i'll always be here for you, no matter what." she would say.

people would start rumors saying harry and briar were dating but of course they knew this wasn't true. it was as if they were chosen siblings.

briar had only had that relationship with one other person before. and he was gone now, but here harry was, like this beacon of light that shone through the loss.

it wasn't as if cedric was replaced, it was like he had sent harry to her, because he knew she would need him.

but tonight, her and harry were at the astronomy tower, gazing up at the sky.

thankfully, it was still pretty warm outside so briar turned to him with big eyes, "you wanna do something fun?"

when they got down to the black lake, briar immediately started stripping.

when she looked back at harry, she saw he was awkwardly standing behind her trying to look anywhere but her.

"oh come on harry," she sighed, "it's not like we're skinny dipping, just going for a swim. we'll leave our underwear on obviously. plus, we would never do anything together, we both know that."

harry rolled his eyes and nodded as he kicked off his shoes to the side.

they quickly jumped into the lake, not letting their bodies adjust to the cold slowly.

briar swam out as far as she wanted as harry yelled at her, warning that she shouldn't go so deep out, to which she would just say she could handle herself and that she'd be fine.

as she swam she stared up at the moon longingly.

she had always admired the moon, and felt a connection to it. like she had this rope tethering her to it.

she loved the feeling of swimming, like she was flying when she was underwater. and the way her hair would grow soft and float around her, making her feel like a mermaid. the cold didn't even bother her, if she wanted to swim, it didn't matter the temperature.

this was pure heaven to her.

briar started getting tired, treading the water so much, so she started making her way back to the shore when she realized her and harry weren't alone anymore.

she couldn't see who was standing, talking with harry because of the darkness and her blurred eyesight from the water.

it didn't take her to see who it was until she was only feet away from them.

"oh, hey b..." harry said nervously as he looked back to her.

she opened her mouth but couldn't find the words to say anything so she just stood there with her mouth gaping open.

she couldn't believe the one night she decides to go for a fucking midnight swim, they're here too.

lavender roped herself around his arm and clung to him even tighter when she came up.

it wasn't until ron's eyes drifted down that she realized she was half naked.

"oh my god-" she gasped, her arms instantly wrapping around herself to try and cover up.

briar went as fast as she could to the shore, quickly dressing herself even though harry was chasing after her.

he soon caught up with her as she was in the middle of cursing herself.

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-" she kept repeating as she shivered.

"i'm so sorry b, i had no idea they would be there, and then they were and you weren't near and i didn't know what to do and-"

"harry it's ok." she cut him off, before she cringed at herself for the whole situation.

"what is wrong with me?!" she shook her head. "why did i do that?! why did i think that would be a good idea?! why, why, why?!"

"it's ok, you handled it really well-" harry tried to calm her down.

"no harry! i stood there like an idiot in my fucking underwear! i am so embarrassed. this was terrible."

"you didn't know-"

"i should have assumed!"

"assumed?" he repeated after her.

"yes!" she shrieked. "i need to lie down..."


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