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already back at hogwarts and everything felt the same.

no more umbridge, dumbledore back, new potions professor named slughorn, and everyone has grown quite a bit...

they had already been back at school for about a week and quidditch try outs were already posted.

briar was walking to her potions class when she spotted harry and ron above the sea of students snickering.

"what are you lot doing?" she asked. "don't you have a class to go to?"

"no." ron smiled.

"free period." harry chimed in afterwards.

"whatever." briar rolled her eyes, walking to her class.

shortly into the class ron and harry came into the room immediately causing trouble.

it seemed as though the professor and harry already knew each other.

then they were gathered around three different cauldrons and hermione was the first one to volunteer when the professor asked what they were.

once she identified amortentia the class all took their turns taking sniffs out of the cauldron to see what they smelled.

briar lowered her face to the cauldron and smelled bacon, grass, and citrus. she smelled ron.

beside her, neville asked what she smelled, to which she answered plainly, "gingerbread." not wanting to admit what she actually smelled and become so vulnerable.

as soon as it got to ron he instantly smelled rain, pumpkin, and cinnamon. he knew it was briar.

slughorn was holding a little competition to see who could brew the draught of living death, and whoever successfully completed it would get in return a single vile of liquid luck.

briar didn't really care to win and she knew she probably wouldn't so she just hung back and watched as harry succeeded easily winning himself the vile.

"congrats harry." briar smiled to him as she punched his shoulder lightly.

as they left the class and headed to eat, briar and ron were walking side by side, ron kept trying to hold her hand, but she would grow red and her hands would get sweaty, so she'd just say she hated pda, which was pretty true.

"hi ron." someone said as they passed through the hall.

"uh, hi." he replied back and turned his attention back to briar.

"who was that?" she asked, not catching a glimpse of who said it.

"lavender brown." ron answered, growing more and more impatient to get to the dining hall.


"what? are you jealous?" he teased.

"no! i was just curious."


briar rolled her eyes as she shoved him slightly, but it really just turned into her brushing his arm weirdly because she would have needed to use more strength to actually try and push him. he didn't seem fazed by it at all.

as they walked into the great hall, briar suddenly realized how hungry she was and instantly started making herself a peanut butter jelly sandwich.

"you're such a child." ron teased again, referring to her choice of food.

"what? it's good." she shrugged as she cut off her crust.

harry soon came over and sat down across from them. "oi, ron, did you hear about the quidditch try outs next week?"


"well...? are you gonna try out?"


"you should." briar chimed in, "you're good."

"i don't know, i heard mclaggen wants the spot, and he's probably better anyways."

"that's not true. you just need to be more confident in yourself." briar assured him.

after a moment of thinking ron made a decision, "alright i'll try out again."

"brilliant! i don't think i could ever have the patience with that bloke." harry sneered slightly.

"yeah, he's a tool." briar agreed before chugging down her water glass. "well, i best be off, going to the library."

"bri, we've been here less than a week and you are already going to go study?!" ron looked at her dumbfounded.

"no, i'm not crazy, i'm going to see if there's any new books to check out."

"um, alright. well i'll see you later?"

"yeah, of course." she smiled down to him and stepped forward with the intention of kissing him on the cheek goodbye, but quickly decided against it and awkwardly walked off.

ron's eyes followed her as she walked out scratching her arm, something he noticed she did when she would get nervous.

"what was that?" harry asked once she was out of earshot.

"what do you mean?"

"oh, come off it. even i can see there's something there."

ron instantly blushed but tried to keep a poker face. "we're just friends, you know that."

"wow, you won't even admit it? not even after all this time of you guys sneaking off together and barely even trying not to be obvious?" harry laughed loudly.

"i don't know what you're talking about." he answered, playing dumb as he got up from the table.

"now where are you going?!"

"i don't know! anywhere but here!"

"wow ron, im hurt." harry made a fake disgusted face. "going off to shag briar i guess..."

ron's eyes went wide as he said panicked, "shhh! don't be so loud!"

"so you admit it then? you guys are shagging?"

his face went red again. "no." he started to walk away getting embarrassed of harry's unfiltered behavior.

"you know, i can hear you guys!" harry called out, still at the table, but now standing.

"ew harry! don't be a pervert!" ron said back, a little louder than he wanted to, gaming the room's eyes on him. his face was scorching hot at this point as he quickly ran out of the great hall.

i started my job yesterday and i really like it


fun fact: the things i made ron smell are what i want/wish to smell like💔

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