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after being back at the school for about a week after holiday, harry seemed even more on edge then he usually was.

everyone was very much back to being focused on their lives.

briar was bored and lonely. ginny was always practicing quidditch, harry was always spying on draco for some reason, and ron was... busy.

it was only in the third class of the new year when harry and draco already had it out for each other.

draco was at his table talking lowly with theodore nott when harry was very unsubtly ease-dropping on their conversation.

"is there something you need, potter?" draco spat at harry, cutting himself off mid sentence to theo.

harry stared at draco before eventually shaking his head.

"really? because i can feel your breathing down my neck." draco's jaw clenched.

"just ignore him, harry." hermione leaned over, whispering to him.

"what did you say, mudblood?" draco snickered.

harry slowly reached down for his wand, "don't say that." he seethed.

"i'll say whatever i want." draco laughed, moving towards them so he was right at harry's eye line, "don't push me, potter. we don't want another problem. like back at the beginning of the school year."

hermiones eyes widened slightly before turning to harry anxiously. "let it go, harry."

as briar watched the situation unfold a table down from them, she started to realize that she really didn't know anything that was happening this year.

no one had given her many updates, if at all any.

after the class had let out, briar caught up with harry in the hall.

"what was that about?" she asked, chuckling slightly in attempt to lighten the mood.

"nothing b, just stay out of it." harry sighed.

"no, what's going on? you haven't told me anything that's going on." she said softly.

"yeah, well, it's for the best that way." he grumbled.

"harry, you don't need to take all of this by yourself. don't you realize that by now?" briar said.

"you don't understand, b." he groaned, stopping to lean on a nearby balcony. "i do have to take all of this my myself."

briar stared at him for a couple seconds before moving next to him and resting her head in his shoulder lightly.

they stayed like that for a little while, until harry sighed loudly, "i think draco is a death eater."

briar could feel her heartbeat speed up in her chest. she chewed at the inside of her mouth as she turned to face him.

she wasn't entirely surprised. more, disappointed and scared.

"how do you mean?" she asked delicately.

he went on to explain to her his suspicions and everything that had happened leading up to that day.

"huh..." briar thought to herself after taking in every detail harry told her.

"i don't know..." she trailed off, "i feel like he's too much of a pussy to actually do anything."

harry rolled his eyes dramatically, "you don't understand. he isnt doing anything. no one blames draco."

"well, of course not." she shrugged. "he's just a kid."

"did you tell anyone? like mcgonagall or dumbledore?" she went on.

"of course!" harry threw up his arms abruptly, getting more upset by the minute.

it got silent after the small outburst, causing them both to study the view in front of them.

"you believe me. right?" he asked softly.

"of course i do." she smiled.

she laid her head on his shoulder and spoke again, "you know, you remind me of cedric."


"i don't know..." she lifted her head and stared down at her hands hanging off the balcony. "you're both caring and brave and smart and have such big hearts. and you're misunderstood by everyone around you. plus, you both call me, 'b'."

he laughed slightly, "do you want me to not call you that?"

"no- i like it."

she held his hand and turned to face him, "harry, i love you."

his eyes got wide and confused. "not like that." she lightly hit his arm. "i mean i care for you. you and ginny are the only people i care about."

"and ron?"

"yes, of course. but im not focused on him." she sighed, "i believe in you. and i understand. but i don't want you to ever think you can't talk about any of this. i know i don't really know what it's like, but im here for you and i'll try my best to help."

after a moment, he turned to her and shook his head, "i love you too, b."

"i know in your own little way this is you opening up." she smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around his neck, assuming he probably needed a hug.

"do you miss him a lot?" he asked, making her pull back.

"yeah, he was like my brother. i've never had anyone close to me die until now and i genuinely didn't think i would recover."

she turned away slightly to not let him see her tear up. "that's why this is so important, harry."

she faced him again and looked him straight in the eyes, "you have lost the most because of him. you need to get him."

"i will."

she nodded and rested her head on his shoulder again.

"harry! i've been looking everywhere for you-" ron said, running up towards them.

they both turned around, once ron and briar made eye contact, realizing he probably thought there was something more going on, she grabbed her bag off the ground.

"i gotta go." she said quickly, not giving harry any time to respond before leaving.

"what was that about?" she heard ron say as she walked away.

"nothing." harry shrugged, picking up his bag as well.

"it didn't look like nothing." ron scoffed.

"you have a girlfriend, mate. you can't do this." harry sighed, walking off as well.

so school started yesterday...

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