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briar woke up and instantly remembered the night before, regretting every second of it.

at breakfast, she found ginny and rested her head on the table.

"i'm so embarrassed." she mumbled.

"it's alright," ginny comforted her, rubbing her back and filling up a plate for her.

"if it helps..." ginny said slowly, "i don't think many people saw."

right at that moment, two slytherin boys walked past the gryffindor table laughing loudly, "hey briar, had fun last night?"

briar's face heated up, biting the inside of her cheek, getting more anxious by the second.

"oh, shove off!" ginny yelled, stood up, raising her hand looking like she was going to hit them.
they both flinched, clearly afraid of her.

she smiled and sat back down, "next time, i will do it." she threatened.

both boys ran off to their table, acting like nothing had happened.

"don't listen to them." ginny faced briar, "they're just stupid boys."

briar nodded as she stared down at her plate, picking at her sausage.

"but-" ginny spoke again, "on the good side, we have that sleepover tonight."

"what sleepover?"

"the one i planned, just now." ginny answered, looking very proud of herself.

briar tried to smile slightly, "listen gin, that sounds great, but unfortunately i have a lot of homework to catch up on."

"so do i, we can work on it together."

"you're a year younger than me."


"so, we don't have any classes together, hence, we don't have the same work to do."

ginny sighed dramatically, "fine, i guess i'll just have to do it all by myself tonight."

"sorry, gin."


later that night, briar made her way down to the library, carrying all her books, practically running in to put them down.

one of her books slipped and fell behind her. she groaned and right as she turned, cormac was on one leg, carefully picking the book up for her, outstretching his hand to her from below her.

hastily, she took it back and thanked him quickly, already turning to walk away.

he called her name but she just kept walking, acting as if she couldn't hear him.

he caught up with her and slung his arm around her shoulder, "briar, i wanna ask you something."

since her hands were full she just shook him off her. but he was persistent, stepping in her way.

"so," he smiled down to her, "i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this saturday."

"hmmm..." she hummed, acting as if she was thinking about it before abruptly dropping her expression, "no."

she stepped around him and started walking to the back of the library.

"so you'll think about it?" cormac yelled across the room, earning him many 'shhh's and glares.

briar shook her head and laughed, not answering him.

excited to just get to sit down at her spot in the library, she rounded the corner only to see ron and lavender sitting on the same couch her and ron would months before.

she stopped and her face fell, not knowing what to do.

~ flashback ~

"come on, if you don't do your work, umbridge will have your head." briar laughed, dragging ron through the hall.

"i don't care about her." he said, rolling his eyes.

briar stopped and looked behind him slightly, putting on a scared expression. "um, ron..."

his face instantly matched hers as his eyes widened, slowly turning to look behind him.

after seeing umbridge wasnt there, he turned back and shook his head, pointing his finger at her, "you're gonna pay for that."

"oh yeah?" she teased, backing away from him.

"yeah, you are." he said, stepping forward quickly.

she yelped and ran down the halls laughing as he chased after her.

he was taller than her so he caught up with her easily. he picked her up as she screamed.

he pushed her against the wall and she looked up at him.

they just stayed there like that for a few seconds before he slowly bent down and kissed her.

it was sweet and soft. briar put her hands on both sides of his face as she pulled him closer to her.

he then trailed down to her neck as she hummed quietly.

remembering they were in a public area, briar lightly pushed him back, looking to see if anyone was around.

"come on, we have to study." briar whispered breathlessly.

ron threw his head back and sighed, "we can study later."

she didn't answer, she only pecked his cheek then pulled him towards the library.

once they got in, briar led him to the back, where almost nobody went.

"so, is this where you sneak off to?"

"sometimes." she sat down and motioned for him to sit next to her.

"what should we start with?" he asked as he lowered himself next to her.

"potions. i'm hopeless." briar stood back up to look for books, "i'll be back in a minute."

she came back a few minutes later with a stack of textbooks. she threw the books on the table next to them, taking the first one off the top.

ron was sitting there, leaning back with one arm over the back of the couch. briar opened the book and moved closer to him.

"bri..." he said lowly.

"yeah?" she smiled up at him.

he stared into her eyes, saying nothing.

"what?" she laughed, starting to blush at the eye contact.

he shook his head, smiling slightly, just admiring her, "nothing."

she squinted her eyes at him, as if she was trying to see what he was thinking. inevitably giving up and going back to the book.

every time they went to the library after that, they would go to that specific spot. making it almost an unofficial place that was only for them.

~ end of flashback ~

"i- uh, sorry." briar finally said, backing away as lavender looked at her confused.

ron opened his mouth like he was going to say something but she was already leaving.

as she was walking out and fighting back tears, she saw cormac sitting at one of the tables.

she almost walked past him, but she turned to him abruptly.

"yes. i'll go out with you."

"what?" he said taken off guard.

she sighed and repeated herself, "i'll go out with you saturday."

a smile spread across his face, "meet me in the courtyard at 12."

briar nodded and pushed through the doors, already regretting her decision.

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