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it was christmas morning.

molly was in the kitchen already, checking to make sure she had all the ingredients and food she needed.

ron and harry instantly woke up after hearing a scream.

"what was that?" harry asked as he put on his glasses.

"i don't know-" ron answered just as he got cut off by a loud wail from downstairs.

they each grabbed their wands and ran down the steps, surprised to see molly sitting on the floor crying hysterically.

"mum, what's the matter?" ron asked, bending down to get in his mother's eye line.

"it's the- the turkey." she sobbed.

ron looked over to harry as if he had the answers, but harry just frowned, shrugging off to the side.

"it's ok, the turkey is already dead, he won't even realize he's in the oven." ron turned back to her.

harry looked at his friend confused, mouthing, 'what the fuck?'

"no! no! you don't understand! it's not here!" she cried into her sons sleeve.

"it... ran away?" ron asked slowly.

"oh ronald! the turkey for dinner tonight, isn't here. you're father must have forgotten to get it." molly shook her head frustratingly.

"oh. well, it's ok. we can just go out and get another." ron shrugged nonchalantly.

molly sighed and put her head in her hands, "we can't ronald, all of the turkeys are probably gone by now. it's too late."

"no, it's not. it's ok, mum. we'll go into town and get another one." he said, referring to him and harry.

molly looked up and into her sons eyes, "ok. i guess it wouldn't hurt to try." she sniffed.

"but, you have to leave as soon as possible." she said sternly.

"we will, don't worry." ron nodded.

"where are you guys going?" ginny asked, sitting on the couch with briar.

"happy christmas to you too." ron said.

"where are you going?" she asked again, ignoring her brother.

"we're going to pick up a turkey." harry answered.

"and how are you going to do that?" briar spoke up.

"well, we were going to use the floo network, go down to diagon alley, then go to the market, get a turkey, then bring it ba-" harry said, getting cut off by briar.

"i mean, it's christmas morning, all the turkeys are probably gone." she said.

"we don't really have any other choices, b." harry shrugged.

ginny looked back and fourth between the boys and her and briar.

"wait! you can't go yet." ginny exclaimed.

"why not?" ron asked, getting annoyed.

"because... me and harry had plans today." she came up with on the spot.

"what?" harry asked, confused.

"yeah, we were going to help mum in the kitchen and bake cookies." she smiled to him.

"ginny, i don't remember us ever talking abou-" harry cut himself off, yelping as ginny pinched his arm.

"since harry can't go with you," ginny paused and turned to briar, "briar should go with you!"

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