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i've been looking back ay some of my old chapters and i am so embarrassed by how i wrote/write.

like i can't help but cringe. idk how anyone reads it but thank you 🙏

maybe one day i'll go back and polish them but rn i don't feel like it so you guys are gonna have to get used to shitty writing and spelling errors!!!

no but like actually why did i write like that and release it to the public and how has no one cyber bullied me yet😭

but like seriously i love all of you and thank you so much and please don't cyber bully me. i am very sensitive and will cry at the slightest bit of edge💔

"you're gonna look hot." ginny said.

briar looked down a little unconvinced.

"you sure?" briar asked as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"yes! now let's go, the party already started!"

briar let her pull her towards the door until she stopped, "gin, you never wanna be early to a party."

when they got down there the room was starting to fill up.

briar was already making her way over to find the weed.

she wasn't too big on drinking. more into smoking, obviously.

luna sat next to her and when briar asked where the rolling paper was she just shook her head slowly.

"try this instead." she said, handing a large glass contraption to briar.

"what is it?" briar questioned as she examined it.

"it's called a bong, apparently muggles use it to smoke and it's much easier." luna answered slowly.

at that exact moment hermione popped up as if out of nowhere adding her two cents, "you know that stuff messes with your brain and gets you high."

briar looked at her unbothered, "yeah, that's kinda the point."

hermione scoffed as she closed her book and walked away.

briar turned her attention back to luna,

"well, how does it work?"


it had already been about an hour or two into the party when briar started to get a bit more sloppy, the more high she got.

some slytherin boy was trying to talk to briar but she only really started responding after taking long hits and drags.

"you wanna dance?" he asked as one last attempt with her.

"uh..." she looked over to everyone dancing and saw ron and lavender looking a little too happy for her liking.

she turned back to him and smiled sweetly, "yeah"

she didn't even know his name and didn't care to ask.

he let out a breath of relief as she took his hand and walked him out, pushing her way through people.

briar was too high to even think about how awkward it might be to dance with a total stranger. her only focus was to make ron jealous, and she knew how jealous he could get.

she started by just loosely putting her arms around his neck, swaying to the music. he was staring at her lips but she instantly turned around so her back faced him. he stepped closer so her back was touching his torso. her eyes instantly met ron's, who was just a few feet away.

briar stared back at him as the slytherin boy started kissing her neck. she put her hands on the back of his and brought them up to her sides, slowly guiding them down to her hips. as she was doing this, she let her head roll back, opening her mouth slightly, her eyes never leaving ron's.

ron clenched his jaw before dropping lavender's hands and storming off to his dorm, lavender following close behind, calling his name several times.

the guy started getting a little too handsy so briar lightly pushed his hands off of her and turned back to face him. he looked very much insulted and confused.

"keep it pg 13." she sighed, already wanting to go back up to her bed.

"huh?" he asked.

briar groaned under her breath and said louder, "i don't really fancy being felt up."

he stepped back, offended. "you were just doing that a second ago."

"yeah, well i don't want to anymore."

"fine," he scoffed, "you're not that hot anyways."

she rolled her eyes as he walked out, not caring enough to slap him, or insult him back.

her heart was racing at this point, debating on staying or calling it a night.

she started making her way towards the girls dormitories when harry stepped in front of her.

"what was that?" he said.

"nothing," she waved it away, "just some stupid boy, upset i won't put out."

he paused before shaking his head, "what about ron?"

"what about him?" her patience was wearing thin.

taken aback by her bluntness, he raised his eyebrows, "well, you saw him. he's upset."

"and why's that my problem?"

"you did it deliberately."

briar shook her head, letting out a breath almost like a chuckle. "even if i did do that, why are you so upset about it?"

"because," harry started, as if it was the most obvious thing, "i never thought you'd stoop that low."

she blinked, not expecting that reply.

her lip quivered slightly as she tried to respond.

"and why is that a crime?" she finally spat out. "i'm sorry i'm upset, and want him to be too."

harry looked at her unimpressed, rolling his eyes.

briar sighed and clamped her eyes shut, trying to regain some generosity.

"listen, i'm not his girlfriend, lavender is, so maybe go find her and see what she thinks."

he pursed his lips and pulled her to the side of the room, "i know you're hurt and want to get back at him, but, you don't need to do all this. you already know he only wants you. you don't need to get him pissed off to show that."

she swallowed a lump in her throat and brushed her hands through her hair, looking over to the stairs, then back to him. "i'll see you tomorrow, harry."

he pressed his lips together and nodded, "goodnight, b."

nah because in my perfect world, my tolerance would always stay low💔

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