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no because i REALLY need to start proofreading this shit cause there's so many errors and im embarrassed but i also don't care enough to fix it rn sorry‼️

also when i read comments i see what is commented on and my writing makes me cringe so bad. it's so wattpad

it was potions class, slughorn pulled briar aside and smiled weakly.

"im sorry to do this to you mrs. rose, but im afraid mr. wallenby is falling behind in class." he said, looking over towards ron.

"do you mean ron?"

"yes, mr. wallenby."


"back to it, i need you to tutor him. seeing as though you are one of the best students at potion making, besides mr. potter and mrs. granger. but they already have enough on their plate with the slug club."

briar nodded along to show she was listening. "sir, i hate to say this but, i don't think i should be tutoring him."

"why not?!" he exclaimed.

"well, im not nearly as good as you're saying i am. and i am very busy as well."

"with what?"

"um," she paused for a second, realizing she really does have a lot of free time, "my studies."

"oh, but that can be adjusted!" he smiled reassuringly, leaning in to whisper, "i do hate to say it but, the boy really does need all the help he can get."

"i understand." she sighed.

"splendid! and i also will have him move his seat next to yours so he can see what you do as well."

briar tried her best not to show the pain in her face. smiling awkwardly and nodding along.

"hey..." briar pressed her lips together to try and form a smile.

"hey." ron mirrored her.

slughorn had given the instructions and explained that they were brewing the calming drought and where all the ingredients were.

"ok, we need peppermint, crocodile heart, and... lavender." briar coughed.

"uh, right." ron nodded, realizing she was saying this because he was going to be the one to get the ingredients.

once he came back with everything, briar started narrating her actions as she made the potion.

halfway through she realized she probably should let him try, remembering he learns better when he's doing it himself.

"here," she handed the mixer over to him, "you try."

he read along with the book, making the potion.

when it was time to stir, briar stopped him.

"ok, i think i know what the issue is." she stepped closer to him, "you need to stir slower. like this."

she took the mixer from him and stirred clockwise.

"and try to use exact measurements. that's very critical." she went on, turning to see if he was listening.

he nodded and sighed, "briar, i think we should-"

"alright children!" slug horn interrupted, clapping his hands together loudly. "you all did very good for the most part! clean up your stations and you're free to go."

"you wanna meet after dinner and study?" briar pressed her lips together, acting as if she didn't hear what he was saying before.

"oh- yeah. that's fine." ron said. "i'll clean up. you can go if you want."

"thanks." she smiled quickly, "i'll see you later."


"it's no use, why are we even still trying? it's been nearly forever and i still don't understand." ron scoffed, throwing himself back against his chair.

"it's only been thirty minutes ron." briar rolled her eyes.

"well it feels like it's been longer." he groaned.

"well, it hasn't."

"let's take a break. im hungry."

"we just ate." she deadpanned. "stop trying to get out of this."

"oh, come on. you're telling me you wouldn't go for desert right now?" he leaned forward, smirking.

she thought for a second and sighed, "maybe some cheesecake would help..."

"see! that's the spirit!" ron beamed, already making his way to the portrait door.

"you better be quiet ron. im not getting in trouble because of you." she scolded.

"yeah, whatever. come on." he was already outside, holding his hand out to her.

she looked down at his open hand, then up at him. his eyes were calm. he obviously wasn't as nervous about being together as she was.

she took his hand as he helped her through the door, which she definitely didn't need help getting through.

they ran down the halls, looking around the corners slightly before continuing.

"hurry up!" briar whisper shouted to ron, waving for him to follow her.

"shhhh! you're gonna get us caught!" he whisper shouted back.

"i'm going to leave you if you don't get over here." she crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

ron shook his head, "you're impossible."

"see? now wasn't that worth it?" ron said as they re-entered the common room.

"yeah, whatever. you were right." she looked down, trying not to let him see her smile.

"don't be like that."

"what?" she snapped her head up, squinting her eyes at him.

"don't act like you aren't having fun." he nudged her arm softly.

"you have a girlfriend."

"no, really?" he laughed. seeing her not finding it amusing, he looked down to her, "that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

briar thought for a second. she did miss him more then she'd like to admit, and she didn't want to continue having to act like she doesn't enjoy his company.

"i guess you have a point." she shrugged, picking up her books off the table.

her back was to him, so she didn't see the surprise on his face. assuming she was going to shoot him down.

"wait. really?" he asked, clearly speechless.

she turned around, blushing slightly. "i'm kinda tired. you wanna pick this back up tomorrow?"

"um- yeah- yeah, of course." he stuttered, smiling widely now.

briar bit her lip, trying to conceal her big smile as well, as she turned around, heading towards the girls dormitories.

she turned back to him before going up the stairs, "goodnight, ron."

"goodnight, briar."

i honestly didn't know what word to use for the stirring thing. like not a whisk😭 i really struggled there for a sec lol

anyways i hope you enjoyed <3

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