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"i don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch, everybody wants you... but i don't like a gold rush."

it was the day of quidditch try outs.

a week had gone by and classes had started.

classes that lavender was in with the couple.

she was relentlessly flirting with ron and he would just awkwardly laugh and brush it off.

but back to the try outs,

ron was already nervous as he stood on the field. he looked up and saw briar sitting in the stands with luna and neville. she waved to him shyly, trying to fight the cold.

"SHUT IT!" ginny yelled to the rest of the people who wouldn't give harry their attention.

he felt so awkward standing there and felt like a child in his small helmet and padding.

he didn't even realize the speech was over, and try ours had actually begun until he saw everyone mounting on their broomsticks.

just before he kicked off to ground to fly up to one of the score posts, cormac whispered in his ear making him hesitate.

"so, you and briar dating?" cormac asked, already making ron want to throw up.

"no." he answered truthfully.

"so she's free then?"

as ron registered what he said, he choked on air, entering a coughing fit.

"alright, well we'll see who wins." cormac laughed as he hit ron's back and flew up to a goal post.

he knew that briar would never even think about scum like cormac, but of course, his anger got the best of him. and all he could imagine when he looked at him was a big red 'hit me' sign on his forehead.


all throughout the play, ron and cormac were tied with how many bludgers they were able to block.

briar was still in the stands, watching with anticipation. she didn't even care about quidditch, she only cared about ron.

lavender brown was far off to the side, on the bleachers as well, tapping her leg and watching intently.

it got down to the last score and ron was able to save it. cormac, not as lucky.

both lavender and briar rose from their seats with huge smiles plastered across their faces, clapping and cheering for ron.

briar heard lavender, and looked over to her. lavender didn't see her, she just kept jumping up and down with merriment and an ecstatic expression on her face.

ron flew down to the field and managed to see cormac saying, "well, good game huh?"

cormac looked back at him with disgust and ran down to talk to harry.

luna, briar, and neville all when down to the field to wait for when everyone would be done in the changing rooms.

since ginny and luna ended things between them, it's like nothing had changed. luna couldn't really care less about acting awkward, it wasn't her style.

ron walked out with a big smile on his face as he went up to briar and swung his arms around her. 

as he lifted her off of the ground whilst hugging her, she suddenly became very aware of all the other people who were around.

she pushed herself off of him lightly and awkwardly laughed, trying to ease the tension.

he looked down to her quizzically but quickly shook it off and said his 'thank you's' to everyone who congratulated him.

lavender soon came up to him as well saying, "congrats ron, can't wait to see you at the games."

briar looked at her slitting her eyes slightly before rolling her eyes, "you know, he was on the team last year." she said matter of factly.

lavender looked at her pursing her lips before she walked off, but not without making sure ron knew how happy she was for him.

"merlin, what was that about?" ron asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"nothing." briar answered as sweetly as possible.


back at the common room harry, hermione, ginny, briar, and ron were all in the common room having lively conversation.

briar was only really there because she could tell ron wanted her to be. though she was friends with harry and ginny, not so much hermione, she didn't really feel apart of their group and would often disassociate while they would all be talking.

toulouse must have sensed her awkwardness, and jumped up onto her lap, letting briar stroke her fur softly.

after what felt like forever of staring into the fire place across from her, briar abruptly got up from her seat on the couch, causing toulouse to jump out of her arms and walked towards the portrait door mumbling, "i'm hungry, i'll be back soon." 

she walked out and got to the courtyard before getting pulled back by her arm.

"what's wrong? i've been calling your name, following you for the longest time." ron asked, pushing his hair out of his face hastily.

"nothings wrong." briar replied bluntly.

"that's bullshit." he rolled his eyes tiredly.

"no it's not!"

"yeah, it is! you've been acting weird ever since lavender started talking to me!"

briar's face flushed, her arms instinctively trying to arm up her cold arms from the wind, "that's not true."

"yes it is!" he persisted, "why are you so jealous?"

"i'm not jealous! it's just obvious that she likes you!"

"she doesn't like me bri." his voice dropped lowly getting more annoyed.

"yes she does! you know she does! you just like having romantic attention from somebody other than me!" her voice was raising with anger at him just standing there seeming unbothered.

"yeah? maybe i do! especially because my own..." his voice trailed off, not knowing what to call them, but went on anyways, "my own, whatever, won't show that we are- whatever!"

"so you're upset with me because i don't want to run around acting foolish, following you like a lost puppy and throw pda around whenever the chance is given to me?!"

"that's not what i said." he sighed shaking his head.

"might as well have." she frowned, her anxious breaths slowing down.

ron looked at briar, but she wasn't looking at him.

he chuckled dryly before walking back towards the common room. leaving briar in the chilly courtyard, fighting tears from rolling down her face.

i didn't wanna do the confundous or however it's spelled scene because idk i feel like we all know he can beat cormac without any help

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