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hey babes sorry i've been MIA but i've been going through it lol💔

it was the day of the quidditch game.

ron was beyond nervous.

the stress of briar was looming over him, but he forced her out of his brain, only wanting to focus on the game later.

briar had been spending the last two days thinking about the fight over and over and over again, trying to sort out her feelings.

she watched as ron sat at breakfast keeping his eyes down on his plate.

his mind was racing with doubts and words of hatred.

her heart was being pulled in a million different directions.

"what do you think about the game today?" ginny asked, pulling briar out of her thoughts.

"how you feeling about the game later, mate?" harry patted his friend on his back smiling.

"i don't know if i'll go..." briar answered with low eyes.

"i cant do it harry, i'll let the whole team down." ron shook his head feverishly.

"oh but you have to go!" ginny beamed down to her.

harry rolled his eyes, scoffing jokingly. "last year is not going to be the same as this year."

"i don't know. im gonna go take a nap." briar sighed, lifting herself from her seat.

"yeah, and that's exactly the issue." ron rubbed his temples.


it was already lunch.

they were all back in the great hall.

both of them picking at their food from opposite sides of the table.

briar was contemplating wishing ron luck for the game in a few hours but decided against it when she saw lavender sit down next to him laughing loudly.

after lunch, briar was back in her room, petting toulouse's head delicately going back and fourth with herself.

the game was probably going to start any minute, she had heard the other girls in the hall as they talked excitedly about the match.

briar had told people she loved them before, but it was always her friends, never someone she had feelings for.

she always thought that 'i love you' was a heavy statement and didn't want to say it to someone if it meant they would just end up leaving her.

every time she thought of being in a relationship, she quickly is reminded that it will end. wether it's surprising or not she knows no matter what it will end. wether it's death or choice, it will end. she didn't want to submit herself into something when she knows how heartbroken she will be when it is over.

she was lost thinking about many different things.

she was being unfair to him, not seeing what he wanted out of their relationship. she was too selfish and too scared to consider actually enforcing her feelings and letting everyone know them.

she always hated the idea of pda, which she knew ron liked. she was more private when it came to vulnerable things, while he wanted to say 'yeah i have a gorgeous girlfriend!' not in a way of showing off but saying 'i want to appreciate how beautiful this girl is and i want everyone to know she's mine' which did comfort her but she was still scared overall.

she then thought about how obvious it must have been that they were sneaking around. i mean, they would leave one after another and have this blush on their faces whenever they re-entered a room, glancing at each other like children who just broke a school rule and got away with it.

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