Chapter 1

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As a person that lives like a rock, it is so very plain and boring. Nothing really happens on a daily basis, nor exciting drama to show off. And yes, I am talking about myself, about my existence. I was 13 years old when my parents decided to migrate here in U.S. because they work here and they felt bad about leaving me behind. I can't call myself an extrovert, though I love hanging out with my friends. Yes, I am that type of person who can hype himself whenever they want. Truth be told, I'm an introvert. I'd rather have a movie night than go out partying. I'd rather choose to face my computer than try to socialize with people who don't know what space and privacy mean. All in all, I'm a boring person, so plain and lifeless. Just like this street where I'm walking down, so plain and boring. Perhaps the lack of leaves is due to the fact that it is already fall.Flowers are nowhere to be seen, and the roads are full of bunches of dried leaves. I'm heading out to school. There's no time for the bus because, dude, I can't even last 1 minute waiting for my beef to cook in samgyup. It's my first day. I am a freshman college student. I took business management because my parents told me so. Ugh! I hate them, really. They didn't even bother to drop me off at school on my first day, but that's OK since the university is not that far from our house. I was having my best moment in life when someone as stupid as me bumped my shoulder without saying sorry. Bruh, that was so rude.

"Hey!" I called out. This dude just walked straight past me without even looking. The audacity!

"Hey, are you deaf, dumbass?" I swear, the moment he faced me, dude, I was too stunned to speak. This man looks like he just came out of a cave after a long time. He's got this thick hair; a mullet and dude, the hair. Do you know Jennie from Blackpink? Her hairstyle, which is kind of dirty white on both sides of her hair, then the rest at the back or middle, is all black. Bruh, that was awesome, but for this guy, I don't know man. I'm not trying to be rude or judgemental, but this man right here looks like he was born in the ice age era. That was mean, but y'all, I'm just telling you guys what I see.

"You just bumped into me without apologizing." I stated. There's no way I'm going to let this slide. I hate people touching me. I don't care if it was accidentally or not, just don't touch me. 


"And?" I copied him. "The fuck man?" This guy, alright, calm down Ryan, this kind of human species is not worth your precious time. "Chill bro, I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry if I didn't notice you, but I hope you understand that everyone here is dodging each other on the first day of school."

Dude, that was a long speech right there. I can't even say two sentences without gasping for air. I looked around and he was right, the school grounds were full of students. Is this for real?  Am I really a college now? Bruh, time flies so fast.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry too. I just hate people touching me." I shyly said, then lowered my head. Even if I can be rude to people at times, I know how to apologize and accept my mistake.

"No worries. I understand you too." He said. "Freshman?" He asked. I nod in answer to his question.

"Nice, me too." I looked at him, and he smiled at me, revealing his slightly yellowed teeth. Scientists say yellow teeth are stronger than white ones.

"Darren, Darren Liang is the name. How about you?" 

"Ryan Nguyen." 

"Nice to meet you, Ryan, and you're cute, by the way." I scrunched my nose as he winked at me. Dude is high today. 

"Well, thank you." 

"As an apology, why don't we go together and find our room?" He said this while stretching his hand out, waiting for me to shake his hand. As a good person, of course I took it. 

"This is not high school anymore, bruh." I said as we continued walking towards the university's grounds, where students were now gathering there. 

"What? Is there something wrong with what I said? " This dude is really dumber than me. Of course there is.

"Yes, there is. We are not high schoolers anymore to find our room together. Bruh, we are in college now with different courses and school buildings." Trust me, when I say this school is damn big and wide, I mean it. Every building has a fourth floor, big and wide, so the school grounds too. You can almost land three airplanes here. Just kidding. 

"Oh, I forgot. I took business management." He innocently said. I face palm my head, talking about coincidence and luck. He saw my reaction and an evil smile was plastered on his face.

"Come on cutie boy, this is going to be fun." He put his arms around my shoulder and, of course, I quickly yanked it. 

"Dude, no touching." I warned him with a glare.

"Ayow, the cute boy is shy." He teased me. I just rolled my eyes and walked faster. This dude is one of the people I'm trying to avoid because this shithead doesn't know what space is. Is he gay? Don't look at me like that, guys. I'm not homophobic. I have gay and lesbian friends, but it's just that I hate people touching me.

"Wait up! Are you sure you're not old? You look like you are in the middle of menopausal." He said, while laughing. Look at this stupid insect. Please, can someone take him away from me? I'll pay you as soon as possible.

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