chapter 26⚠️⚠️

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️Sexual assault, inappropriate words and physical abuse ahead! ⚠️

All of my life, I never thought that I'd fall in love. Basketball was my first love and the only thing that I wanted in my life. Then there went the freshman boy who suddenly showed up. The first time we met was in my department, and right at that moment, I couldn't take his face out of my head. He's emotionless. He doesn't smile, he doesn't laugh, and he is always mad for no reason. I promised myself I would make him suffer for joining the team and for causing me these weird feelings. However, the plan was thwarted.That time I laid my eyes on him in the stock room, everything changed. I want more. I always want him near me. I want to touch him, hold his hand and caress it. I want to know what his shampoo is because he smells nice. I want to know what kind of person he is. That's why I started teasing him, showing my real intentions. He is just like the weather; you can't predict when he will strike. I want to pursue him, but I don't know if he likes me too, because the way he acts around me sometimes shows that he's into me. That night, when I confessed to him, that wasn't my plan. I want to confess if I'm fully ready, but I don't know why I end up telling him what I feel. When I'm around him, I can't control myself. The kiss, the touch, I always want to do it again. I even planned my future with him. Funny, I know, but I planned everything. Our first date, our first anniversary. What future do we want. But everything I had planned was gone. The moment he walked out of my room, I knew everything ended between us. Everything has become blurry and I don't know what to do. I wanted to chase him and tell him to come back, but the thought of him if he liked me too stopped me. It hurts and I can't bare the pain.

"You faggot. Are you even listening?" I endured the pain as Cinco punched my face. I wiped the blood on the side of my lips and looked at him, emotionless.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Where's the look of a faggot who enjoys my dick every time I shove it in your mouth?" I restrained myself from punching this mother fucker in front of me. That's right, Seb. Don't move. Let him do whatever he wants if that's what makes Ryan safe. I'm doing this for him. I endured all the beatings, his assault, all the insulting words just for him, but look what happened. The person whom I'm trying to protect is already gone. A small tear left my eyes as I hid my face right away. I don't want to give Cinco satisfaction. I'm crying not because of what he did to me, I'm crying because I messed up everything.

"Oh, you're crying. Stop crying, fag. What I want to see in your face is the satisfaction of my dick. Come on, I think you're ready for another round." My body trembles as he pulls me from my seat and throws me on the bed. I can't do anything to stop him because my body is already sore from the beatings he gave me a while ago. He called me early in the morning just to satisfy his needs. Everything started three days ago. I don't know how it happened, but i found myself full of blood and bruises. I thought beating up was the only thing I'd receive, but then he started touching me and, worse yet, he started masturbating using my mouth. Every time he's doing those nasty things, my thoughts are on Ryan. What if he's in my shoes? What if, instead of me, he chooses Ryan to do everything? How about, what if Ryan finds out that I'm sucking someone's dick? Is he going to hate me? Will he look at me like a whore? Those thoughts make me clench my fist.

"On your knees, bitch." He forced me to bend down as he unbuckled his pants.

"You know the consequences. One wrong move, and I'll spread the video of you and your faggot bitch eating each other." I flinched again, even though I had already heard this for the tenth time. This is the reason why I kept my mouth shut. This is the reason why I ended up here. If everyone finds out about the video of me and Ryan kissing in my classroom, they'll hate me. Everyone will hate us and make fun of us. And I'm scared if that thing happens, Ryan will be in trouble. He doesn't have any idea what I've been through. Even Oliver. They don't know where i got the bruises. They didn't know where I got the blood when they saw me walking scared on the street. They don't know how much it hurts and what it feels like to be alone, and no one was there to comfort me, to make me feel OK, even for just a minute before Cinco used me and beat the shit out of me again.

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