chapter 15 (part 2)

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We had been sitting on the couch for almost thirty minutes, and neither of us nor Sebastian let go of each other’s hand. There were people sitting with us, joining the conversation, and others wondering why we were so close to each other. I was tired of taking my hand away from him, so I just let him hold it. As long as it's hidden, I have no problem. I'll deal with him later.

"Aishh..I told Regie to find you." Darren approached us, holding a red cup. His face is now red, which just shows that he is already drunk. He sat down next to me and suddenly put his arm around me. Sebastian looked at his hand on my shoulder.

"You know, we have a bet on Darren." I reminded him.

"What bet?" he asked me, leaning close to my face. I backed away, causing me to collide with Sebastian's hard chest. The hand I held earlier is now on my waist. Sebastian pulled me closer to him and turned all his attention to Darren.

"Where's Reggie?" Seb asked him, pushing away his face from me.

"I don't know." He shook his head. "I remember Oliver, Kane, and Justin. He and I were together earlier, and then all of a sudden, they all disappeared." he said, shaking his head.

"Is that so?" Seb asked, flatly. I elbowed his stomach to let him take his hand away from my waist. He gripped my waist even tighter and brought our bodies even closer. I gasped at what he did.

"Are you OK, Ryan?" Darren asked me in a concerned voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you find Regie and bring him here? It's better if we just drink this here on the couch." I told him, showing my red cup. There are also a lot of people sitting here in the living room and bringing their own drinks, so maybe it's not bad to just stay here.

"OK. Don't leave here. I'm tired of finding Reggie already, so please stay here." He said, then left. He probably didn't notice Sebastian because if he had, I know he'd teased us both. I mean, yes, he answered Seb's question, but maybe he didn't know that it was Seb.

"You can let go now, Sebastian." I told him. He was still holding my waist, holding me so close that I almost sat on his lap.

"You look thin." He whispered in my ear.

"What did you say? Dude, I can punch you right now in the face. " I rolled my eyes as I thought about my features. I'm not skinny; in fact, I have abs.Maybe I have an average body for a boy. I felt his hand go up on my stomach.

"Where are the abs?" He teasingly asked. 

I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest. "Here, idiot. There's no muscle in the stomach." I let him touch my chest and a little tingling sensation was sent to my stomach. We stayed a little longer in this position. He was hugging me as we leaned back on the couch.Maybe we are both drunk now, or the alcohol has already kicked in.

"You're letting me touch you." Seb said, out of nowhere. I looked down to see him slowly removing his hand from my body. I let out a grunt and sat up straight. Seb took a red cup and drank what was inside of it.

"I tried to stop you. You're just hard-headed. " I said, sipping from my red cup.

"I'm sorry." I raised my eyebrows as I looked at him surprisingly. Did he just say sorry?

"For what?" I'm still shocked because I didn't expect him to apologize. My plan for tonight is to make up with him. I decided last night to tell him why I hate people touching me. I don't know why I made a sudden decision. Maybe because there is something inside me telling me that him touching me is OK. I snapped because I had a trauma and I'm not used to that thing. I always feel scared whenever someone touches me.

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