chapter 14 (Part 1)

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"Ryan Nguyen!!"

"Yaaah! Can you pleasen't yell? "

"And why? We've been waiting here outside your house. "

"Who told you to wait for me?" I asked Darren. I quickly put on my black cardigan jacket and the white sneakers that I had even struggled to find earlier. Tonight is the night of Preston's party right at their house. I don't know what to wear since this is my first time going to a party. Yes, I'm not a party goer because I already told you that I'm an introvert. Well, that was before, because now I am a college student and a boy who needs a new adventure.

"You told us yesterday! and you called us this morning to pick you up. " Regie angrily said. I bet they're getting bored waiting for me.

"Just a minute, OK? And one more thing: why are you waiting outside? " I asked in wonder.

"Your dad is scary." I laughed at Darren's answer. The first time they met my parents was hilarious, especially my dad and Reggie. Regie was pulled over by my dad because of speeding on the highway. I laughed my head off the first time my father told me about the incident after meeting the two.

"Just come in here." I told them. My parents knew we were going to a party across the street. They agreed for me to go because they said this was what I needed in my life as a young man.

"Fine." Darren and Regie both gave up and decided to ring the doorbell. I excitedly left the room and hurriedly went to the living room. I found Mama and Papa sitting on the couch while watching TV.

"That's probably Darren and Reggie." I told them and went to the door to open it.

"We're late." Darren whispered to me. I gave him a nod and motioned for them to come inside.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Nguyen." The two greeted at the same time. Mom and dad averted their attention from us.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Are you leaving now? "Mom asked us.

"Umm, yes. It's already 7:20 and we're late. " I smiled sheepishly.

"Remember, no drugs, no fighting, and boys, don't get laid while you're all still drunk," dad reminded us. Perks of having a police dad.

"Yes, sir!" we shouted all at once.

"No one will drive home while still drunk. As much as possible, please, sober up first before going home. "

"Yes, mom. We're not really going to get drunk. " I assure her.

"OK, OK, it's already late. You can leave now," mom said, smiling.

"Have fun boys!"

"We will, dad!" I shouted as we left the house. The ride to Preston's house isn't that long. It only took us ten minutes to get here. It took us five minutes to find a place to park the car because the road was full. There are also many people outside, and some of them have just arrived.

"Have you contacted Oliver?" Darren shouted at Regie. The sound of the loud music reaches outside. I bet they're already having some fun.

"Why should I call him?" he asked in annoyance.

"Why are you angry? I'm just asking, and I know you have each other's numbers. " Suddenly, my eyes rolled at what Darren had said.

"Oh? Why don't I know that? " I know that they are calling each other, but we have to pretend that we don't know so that they won't notice that we know what is going on between them.

"What about you?"

"Ryan!" We were all distracted when someone suddenly called my name.

"They've been waiting for all of you inside." Teela approached us, holding a beer can in her left hand. We are now standing outside the yard.

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