chapter 19

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Today was the worst. I woke up late this morning because i slept late last night thinking about the kiss, the touch, his face, and the fucking confession that I tried my best to ignore. Darren called me last night to ask why I hadn't shown up to his house. I reasoned that we had a family dinner and I couldn't say no to my parents. How am i going to digest Seb's confession? We will see each other later at practice and fuck, what am i going to do?

"Ryan. Hey!" I was startled by Teela's sudden yell. "Are you ok?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" To be honest, I'm not OK.

"Are you sure? Because I've been talking here and it seems like you're not listening or paying attention." Teela and I crossed our paths on our way to university. It's been days since the last time she joined us. It's good for her because she found new friends.

"Yes I am. I just zoned out, that's all." Thanks to Sebastian.

"Ok. Btw, do you have a practice after school?" She asked out of nowhere.

"I don't know. Maybe? Why?"

"My friends wanted to watch the basketball practice, so I'm bringing them there." There was a hint of shyness in her voice.

"It's up to you if you want to watch the practice." I said in a monotonous voice. Back then, every time there were some girls watching our practice, I know that they are up to something. It's like they want to watch the guy who caught their eyes. Give them a flirty smile or deliver a message that they like the dudes by cheering them.

"Are you sure? We might disturb your practice." Girl, then don't go. Do i sound like a btch?

"As long as you won't shout or make any noise, then all is good." I almost rolled my eyes when i said that. Frankly, I don't like Teela. I don't like how she acts near me or to anyone of us. She's acting like a pick me girl or acting like a princess when she's with us. She was already a red flag to me the first time we met because she kept on touching me. I realized it lately because of Sebastian.

"Ok! See you later, then!" She bids her goodbye as we separate. I let out a deep, comfortable sigh as she was no longer next to me. I made my way to my department, hoping to see Darren in the hallway because that dude always strolls around the campus. I was about to enter our department building when I saw Sebastian standing at the entrance. My heart suddenly stops beating for a second and everything that happened last night flashes in my mind.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself as i turned around and looked for somewhere to hide. What is he doing here? I don't want to assume that he's here because of me, because damn, I'm not ready to face him. I took a peak at him and he's still standing there and looking like he's looking for someone, and that someone might be me. I leaned back against the wall where I'm hiding, trying to figure out how to get inside without being discovered.I was startled that it almost gave me a heart attack when my phone suddenly rang. It was an unknown number. Who the fuck is this? I didn't answer the call and was about to put it back in my pocket when it rang again, followed by a message. It's the same number.

From: 09#########

Answer the phone.

Should I answer it? But I don't know whose number this is. Arggg whatever. I tapped the answer call and i carefully placed the phone on my ear. Should I speak first? Nah, who knows, this might be a scammer.

"Ryan." I froze in my position when i heard Sebastian on the other line. What the fuck? How... how did he know my number? I was about to end the call, but he suddenly spoke. "Don't. Whatever you're thinking, please don't." Bruh, he can read minds. That's scary.

RivalryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora