work out.

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"Uh oh. Wifey here. TREY!"

His voice boomed.

"Hi to you too Kenny!"

He laughed and walked back into his room. Trey appeared in a sweat suit with his Nikes on.

"Oh hey, guess you're ready."

"Yeah, where's ya clothes at?"

"Um in my bag, I just need to change."

"Alright cool go on in my room."

I went in Trey's room and changed my clothes leaving my things by the door I walked out and saw the door was already open. Trey had made himself comfortable in the drivers side of my truck.

"Um, what are you doing"


"Who said you could?"

"You got a problem with it?"


"Then hop yo ass in and lets go!"

I got in the car and we were on our way.

"I'm taking you to my spot. Nobody really knows about it like that, I come up here and run."

We were way up behind school there was a small trail. Trey parked the car in the clearing and put the keys in his pocket.

"You ready?"


"Let's go!"

He grabbed my hand and we started walking. I thought walking around a track was what was going to happen but Trey had a different plan. We were in the woods walking up hills, down hills, I felt like was in one of those nature shows. He laughed at me when I ran from a bug and helped me when we had to climb up a little rock wall. It had been 20 minutes and I was tired. My legs were aching.

"C'mon Danni, we haven't gotten to the best part yet."

"Listen this is the first day can't we just take it slow?"

" I told you I wasn't going to take it easy, let's go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me and we continued walking we walked up another hill and Trey sprinted to the top.

"C'mon Danni, this is what it's all for."

I slowly made my way up and stood beside Trey. When I saw the view I was amazed. You could see the whole city. It was gorgeous.

"Wow Trey this is pretty."

"Yeah isn't it?"

"I come up here and clear my head you know just chill out. No one else knows my secret except you now."

"I'm glad you shared it with me."

"Me too."

Trey walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know Danni, I been thinking about what you said to me in the car. And I know it's kind of soon, but I really am feeling you. It's crazy."

"I like you too Trey."

"Cool. So I was thinking that maybe we should just talk to each other and see where it goes?"

I'd never "talked " to a guy before in my life. First time for everything I guess.

"Yeah I'd like that."

Trey spun me around to face him and lifted my face to his. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"You're so cute Danni. You always look at me like I'm this big bad wolf ready to attack you. It's sweet though."

"Sorry. I don't think you're a bad guy I just, this is all new to me."

"I'm glad I'm your first."

And with those words Treys lips landed on mines. Our first kiss. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I jumped back and he laughed.

"What's wrong? You never kissed before?"

'No, I don't know how."


He grabbed me closer to him this time and kissed me again. It felt weird at first. But then I started kissing him back our tongues wrestled with each other and a moan escaped my lips. If this was making out, I definitely had been missing out. Trey pulled away and wiped my lips with his hand.

"Damn girl. For someone who just learned you're pretty good at it."

"Um, thanks?"

He laughed and grabbed my hand.

"We should head back before it gets dark."

"Yes please! I do not want to be out in the middle of no where."

"I'd keep you safe."

"I know you would."

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