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Key's mother was there within a half an hour and Kenny's mother and father were taking the first flight they could. It was a waiting game. Key was dilating slowly and the time was dragging by just as slow. Around midnight Kenny's family finally got in and we were all sitting around Key who was in pain. She vowed to give birth naturally so with every contraction Key was in tears. She was so tiny and the baby was definitely doing a job on her. Trey and I sat outside in the waiting room since it was crowded around Key with Kenny's parents, her mom and Kenny in the room. Around 3 Kenny came running out.

"Danni the baby's about to come and Key wants you in the room."


I jumped up and followed Kenny who led me to one of the nurses. I put some scrubs on and walked with Key down to the delivery room holding her hand.

"Danni I'm so scared."

"Look at it this way the sooner you push this kid out the sooner me and you can go out"

Key half smiled.

"I love you Daniela."

"I love you too Key!"

It was just me and her mom. He was a fussy little thing. I think Key had to push like 10 times to get him out. But when we heard him crying we all exhaled. Ayden was born at 4:17am on October 17th my little Libra nephew.

"Oh my God! Key! He's here!"

I said all gitty jumping up and down.

"Key he is gorgeous"

Her mother said cheesing from ear to ear.

They laid him on her stomach and I looked at the chocolate drop in Keys arms.

"Oh my gosh he looks like a little Hershey kiss!"

Key just smiled and looked at him, I could tell she was instantly in love. Seeing as Kenny was so nervous Key forbade him from coming into the delivery room.

"Alright someone has to cut the umbilical cord."

"Danni go ahead."


I said excited and going to grab the metal instrument in the doctors hand. It wasn't as easy as it looked on TV. After staying with Key through the whole delivery process even the afterbirth (YUCK) I got to clean up and go out in the lobby. Everyone ran up to me, Marcus was even there.

"How is she?"

Kenny's mothers thick Caribbean accent spoke.

"She is fine and he is gorgeous! Congratulations Kenny you've got yourself a healthy baby boy!"

He hugged me and we all smiled and said our congratulations. Kenny and his family went to see Key and I stayed out in the waiting room with Trey and Marcus.

"So how was it being in there?"

Trey asked intrigued.

"I'm not having kids ever."

I joked.

"Good that's what I like to hear!"

Marcus said jokingly.

After visiting with the new family for a few more hours Trey, Marcus and me decided to head back home. Trey had left his car at my house and since it was nearing 7 in the morning after much begging Marcus said it was okay for him to the stay the night. Downstairs, on the couch. You didn't think he was that dumb did you? Marcus had went upstairs and passed out I was sure, leaving me and Trey downstairs watching tv. I was too sleepy to walk upstairs and truth be told after the day we'd had I just wanted to be close to him I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. We were both drifting off to sleep talking on our way.

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