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Keyanna said laughing as we walked to the Foot Locker where Trey was. When we walked in we saw a group of girls trying to look like they were shopping when Keyanna and I both knew they were in there for Trey. Trey was folding some polo's when he noticed us walk in. He smiled as we walked over.

"Y'all in here buying up the mall?"

He laughed pointing at me and Key's bags.

"No. That's Danii, not me."

"DanI, what'd you buy?"

He scrunched up his face in wonder and stuck his hand in my bag.


He stated loudly causing everyone to look and me to be embarrassed.

"Trey I'm gonna hurt you."

He continued to laugh and me and Keyanna just looked at him act a fool.

"What time do you get off?"

I asked. Nosey.

"At like 10, why? You about to model that thong for me?"

My mouth just about dropped to the floor. Is this what that thing called flirting was.

"You are so fresh Trey, I'm done."

Him and Keyanna continued to laugh at my obvious embarrassment. We were having such a good time we forgot that Trey was at work until we heard one of the girls clear her throat extra loud to get his attention.

"Oh yeah I forgot I'm at work. Let me go, hit me later y'all."

Dan pov

Trey said dashing over to help them out. I watched him as we walked out of the store until he was out of my sight. Maybe this whole party situation wouldn't be so bad. The rest of the school week seemed to drag by as I was impatient waiting for the party to come. Saturday as planned me and Key woke up early she had done her hair the night before and I was going to get her to come over and do mines. We I returned from picking her up Marcus was just getting up walking around in his boxers.


Key said as we caught him off guard coming up the stairs.

"Oh SHIT!"

He dove into the bathroom closing the door.

"Danni why you ain't tell me you was having company!"

He yelled obviously pissed off. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I did."

"Not this early!"

"Don't worry I don't bite!"

Keyanna said still laughing.

"Yeah well Id rather meet you under better, clothed circumstances."

"We're going in my room"

We both laughed as we headed into my room and closed the door.

"Wow ya' room is laid out girlfriend!"

Keyanna said plopping down on my bed.

"Thanks my mom did all of this."

"Wow. Where is your mom?"

I got quiet. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Her and my father died in a car accident a few years ago. So, it's just me and Marcus now."

"Aww Danni, I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"No it's cool. It's cool."

She looked around nervous trying to quickly change the subject.

"Well big head let's get to it! You might as well grab a pillow to sit on."


I put a cd in my stereo and sat down and Keyanna got busy doing my hair. We were in my room jamming and talking about tonight when Marcus walked in. He was dressed.


Keyanna stopped abruptly and looked up.


She said biting down on her bottom lip. I smacked her leg.

"Cut it out!"

She just laughed and covered her face. Marcus blushed.

"I'm Marcus, Danni's older brother."

"What's up, my name's Keyanna but everyone calls me Key."

They shook hands and Marcus stepped back looking at the project that was my hair.
"So y'all excited for this party tonight huh?"

"Yeah it's about to be so fun! Everyone from all the colleges are gonna be there."


"Yeah it's about to be super fun. Right Daniela!"

"I guess."

Marcus smiled.

"Well I'll let y'all two get back to what y'all were doing. Just wanted to introduce myself the right way. Nice meeting you Key."

"Bye Marcus."

He walked out the door and Key pulled my hair back for me to look in her face.

"Damn girl ya brother is FINE!!"


"Just call it like I see it!"

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