Blow up

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Almost 60 pounds lighter it was time for Trey's birthday. His boys were coming up from school and Kenny had gotten him VIP at a party the school was throwing since it was nearing the middle of the semester. After some begging Marcus finally broke and let me get his credit card to go shopping. Key was with me at the mall. I was on a mission I had to get Trey a gift and get an outfit. After all I was the first lady of the evening. Trey had decided that he wanted everyone in all black. Key's stomach was getting bigger so she got some sequined leggings and a cute top. I thought I would shock Trey and wear something real sexy. Key and I were walking through the mall when we past a store I would never shop in before. It was for skinny girls and therefore I had previously condemned it. That was until I saw a dress hanging on the mannequin in the store. Key just smiled and we both ran in. After trying it on I knew it was the one.

The night of the party Trey demanded that I get ready with him. I got my stuff together and after lying telling Marcus I was staying with Key I lugged all my stuff to his suite. Key was already there stuffing her face getting ready to do my hair. Trey had started drinking already and when I got there he was sitting on the couch. He jumped up when he saw me and sloppily walked over to me.

"You look sexy even in sweats shawty."

He kissed me and Kenny started laughing.

"Thanks baby but maybe you need to take it easy!"

"It's my birthday!"

"I know! Happy Birthday!"

I'd told him a million times today but it wouldn't hurt again I handed him his gift and his crew came barging through the door. More bottles in their hand. I just shook my head , put my stuff in his room, and went and sat down for Key to get started. Key and I just watched as the boys drank. Trey was drunk. It was the first time I'd seen him like this. An hour later it was almost 10 and we had to leave by 11. Kenny dragged Trey to his room yelling at him to get dressed and not far after I went in to get dressed myself. Trey was passed out on the bed. I went and shook him.

"Nuh uh! Let's go birthday boy you gotta get dressed."

He sat up.

"Danni I can't move."

"That's what you get. But Kenny got this spot for you so let's go."

He just looked at me for a second his brown eyes glazed over. He stood up and put all his body weight on me. I stepped back until we reached his closet door.

"Cut it out!"

I laughed. Trey was all over me he took my hand and stuck it in his sweats and I felt how hard he was.

"C'mon baby. Before we go. It's my birthday."

'No Trey we have to get ready."

"Aww man don't do me like that."

"You can have me when we get back."

"I want you now though."

"You can't have what you want all the time."

He grinded up against me and I almost lost it. I was trying my hardest not to fall into temptation. He placed a kiss on my neck he knew just how to drive me crazy. I moaned.

"You really gonna make me wait?"

I just stared into his eyes. His drunken state making him more sexy. I was walking over to the bed when he grabbed me.

"Nuh uh, my birthday, what I want."

After yanking off my sweats and underwear Trey ran his hand up my thighs reaching the wetness that had formed just for him. He smiled and I watched him retrieve a condom out of his pocket pulling his pants down and putting it on.

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