I Am?.

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Marcus rode home with Trey and I and after he begged the whole ride I agreed to cook him breakfast. The least I could do right? Marcus was in the shower and Trey was sitting with me in the kitchen.

"I can't believe that act that bitch played at the courthouse!"

I rolled my eyes slamming the skillet on the stove, causing Trey to laugh.

"Someone doesn't like Zakia!"

"You understand she tortured me all through high school? All because I was bigger! She made me feel like crap about myself until she graduated a year before me."

"You're not big anymore though."

"That's not the point!"

"So what is the point?"

"That Marcus is sleeping with enemy!"

"And so were you at one point."

He was right.


Trey cut me off.

"No buts. If Marcus is happy you should be happy for him. Until she gives you a reason, giver her a chance. For Marcus?"

Trey was right I was doing exactly what Marcus did to Trey. Writing him off before even giving him a chance. But when Zakia slipped. Please believe I would be there to make sure she DIDN'T get up.!

Keyanna and Kenny hadn't had any alone time since Ayden was born. So Trey and I decided to keep him one Saturday to give Key and Kenny a break. When we got back to my house I couldn't wait to take Ayden out and play with him. Having him was like having new toy around. He was almost 2 months and getting so chubby.

"Wook at Ti-Ti's baby! Hi Ayden!!"

I spoke in baby talk scooping him up out of his car seat. He smiled showing all of his gums.

"Ayden stop hittin on my girl!"

Trey said coming and sitting with us on the couch. We were taking turns playing with Ayden. Everything was all good until an hour in, Ayden started screaming and wouldn't stop.

"Maybe he's hungry?"

Trey was walking around with a burp cloth on his shoulder and Ayden in his arms. Trying to rock him to sleep or to calm down.

"I tried that, where's his pacifier!"

I said flustered his screaming was getting to God-Mommy.

"On the table."

Passing it to Trey we were both relieved when Ayden stopped crying and sucked loudly on his pacifier. Marcus came downstairs laughing.

"Ayden down here wearing y'all out huh?"

"Wearing us out isn't even the word. He's a little monster."

I said walking over to Trey and looking at Ayden who was just staring at his God Father with his big brown eyes.

"How long y'all got him for?"

"Just til 8."

I said that like 8 o'clock wasn't three hours away. Marcus smiled as he put on his coat.

"Have fun with that. Good luck studying too."

Marcus grabbed his car keys off the table.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh down to the Y to do some of my community service and then me and Zakia are going to the movies."

"You are really serious about Zakia?"

UnthinkableNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ