Birth Control

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"Hi Ms. Daniela!"

The bubbly blonde haired nurse said leading me into the pre-examination room.


She walked briskly and I trudged behind looking at the empty rooms and the foreign stirrups attached to the tables. We walked in and she motioned for me to have a seat.

"Okay so Daniela, this is your first time here with us?"


"Okay, just have a few questions for you."

She went down a long list of questions and what started off easy seemed to get harder or just made me uncomfortable.

"Date of your last period?"

"Umm, the second week in March?"

She flicked through the calendar hanging on the wall.

"Okay so like the 12th?"


"Alright, are you sexually active?"

I gulped.


"Any chance of any sexually transmitted diseases?"


"Any chance that you could be pregnant?"

"Well, me and my boyfriend we slipped up one time. But I went and took that Plan B pill, so, I don't know. That's why I'm here now to get on birth control."

I saw her check a box on a list on her sheet that read pregnancy test and my heart sunk.

"I'm going to weigh you and take your blood pressure and then we'll go to a room get you changed and the doctor will come see you okay?"

She smiled placing the cuff on my arm. When I sat in the examination room waiting for the doctor, it was cold. I started to think how I'd ended up here. A million what ifs ran through my mind. I grabbed my phone and text Trey.


Wuz up shawty

@ the DR

U good?

Yea check up n 2 get on BC

Good no more scares

Who you telling

Hit me when u leave. Lemme kno how it went

Ok u

u more

That made things okay for a while and then the doctor walked in .She was a younger woman who looked like she want much older than Marcus. She flipped open my chart before looking at me.

"Daniela! Pretty name. I'm Dr. Sarano, nice to meet you!"

She put on some gloves and sat down on the stool in front of me.

"So, tell me what's going on?"

"I guess I need a check up and I wanted to um ask about getting on um-"

She cut me off.

"Birth control?"


"Okay cool! Nothing to be embarrassed about, you're making a mature and responsible decision. I saw that you had a scare a couple weeks ago. But at least your being smart to try and prevent that again! So! Let's get this pap smear thing out the way and then I can go over the birth control options we have for you."

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